Tuesday 16 February 2021

City Plans Foiled Again (Feb.13, 2021)

So the plan for today was for me to drive Haylee to Sherwood Park to get hair extensions put in.

Kody had to work so Freya was going to come with us.

I got up early and had my coffee then jumped on the treadmill.

I wanted to get at least half of my steps for the day out of the way since I knew I'd be spending a lot of time in the vehicle and it might be a late night. 

I had another good work out today doing 1 minute of jogging followed by a minute of walking, bumping up the speed for each minute of jogging.
I managed a minute of jogging at 6.5 and even at 6.6 today so I was very proud of myself.

I was a sweaty mess when I was done.

But totally proud of myself!

I had a shower and even did my hair,
I was feeling good today.
I got my selfies out of the way.

Side view.

Back View.

I warmed up the vehicle and stopped at the store to pick up a snack for the road then headed over to pick up Haylee.

When I got there, it turned out that Kody's job today was a short one and he was home already.
So he ended up taking Haylee to the city.
I could have gone with them but I figured it wouldn't be any fun for Freya so I let them guys go and I took Freya.

I still needed to get a few things so I stopped and picked up Mom and she and I and Freya headed to WCT for a quick trip.

We got a few things at Walmart then I stopped at IGA for chocolate hummus but they didn't have any!
I am craving some so bad.

That was it for our trip - we headed back home.

I let Freya pick out something at Walmart and she picked a new baby - you can see it sitting beside her.
As soon as we got home she wanted a hot bubba.

We tried to video chat with Jason but he was busy so we took selfies instead.

She makes the funniest faces.

She asked for a bath and afterwards I put the new outfit on her that I picked up for her today.

Isn't it so cute?

Haylee posted a picture of her new extensions - they look great.
It only took an hour and a half for the lady to put them in so they got home at a decent hour but we kept Freya for the night anyway.

She and I did a Leslie Sansone walking video together so I could get the rest of my steps in.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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