Tuesday 23 February 2021

Zombies, Ghosts and Skeletons, Oh My! (Feb.20, 2021)

 It's so nice that we went to the city for the night but we still have the whole weekend ahead of us.

Freya slept in this morning so I got up and found a movie to watch.

This Holidate looked cute so that was what I went with.
I didn't finish watching it before Freya and Jason got up but I managed to finish watching it in pieces throughout the day.
It was a cute movie, no Oscar winner or anything, but ok.

The new little table Jason rigged up for her is coming in handy.
They made play dough creations together for a while this morning.

Jason slipped out and went for a run and Freya and I hung out.

Then when Jason got back, he stayed with Freya and went out for a walk/run.
I didn't jog the whole time but I jogged a lot more of my route then I ever have before.
It's still hard but I can feel improvements which is awesome.

I can hardly believe it but I got another pair of camo leggings on the weekend, green this time.
They were only 12.99 at Winners so I thought, what the heck!
Front view.

Side view.
Wow - this shirt isn't very flattering.
It's way to big for me now but it keeps me nice and warm so I wore it for my walk/run.

Back view.

These leggings are supposed to make your butt look better, hmm, I don't know about that!

Pretending to be a zombie.
She has a thing with zombies, ghosts and skeletons - I have no idea why.
It's pretty darn cute though.

Kody came over early in the afternoon and picked her up after he finished a short job at work.
He's going to bring her back later and have supper with us then she is going to spend the night again.

I did some sewing machine research today - I really want to order myself a new one.
These were a couple that seemed to have good reviews.

The prices weren't too bad either but those are US prices.
I couldn't find either of these models on Amazon (or anywhere else I looked).

Looking around on Amazon though and I came across this refurbished one for 133.00.
The reviews seemed pretty good so I bit the bullet and ordered it.
I'm excited for it to get here and to try it out.

I worked on laundry and finishing up some wood projects this afternoon and Jason worked on building a counter stool for Freya.

She likes to get at the counter with us and help us but the stool we currently have doesn't butt right up to the cupboards so it's kind of precarious.
This one will be much better.

Kody came back with Freya around 6ish and we had salmon for supper.
I was able to convince Freya to try on this little bathing suit I picked up for her yesterday.

I got shorts to match it as well but she decided she didn't like those and refused to put them on.

She sure loves her Papa!

She had a late nap today so we ended up having a late night.
At least neither of us has to work in the morning!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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