Tuesday 16 February 2021

New Couch Cover and Freya Feeds Our Hearts and Our Bellies (Feb.11, 2021)

The cold snap continues - oh how I long for warm weather! 

Made myself a healthy breakfast.

Got my selfies taken at lunch before I went down and jumped on the treadmill.
This top used to be tight on me - so tight that I wouldn't wear it.

Side view.

Back view.

I had a really good workout - I did the jog for 1 minute, walk for 1 minute pattern again moving the speed up each time that I jogged.
I was even able to jog at a 6.3 and a 6.4 for a minute each.
It feels really good to push myself.

Got my sweat on good today!
After my workout, I popped down to check the mail as I had a parcel in.

I ordered new covers for the couch and love seat, only one arrived today.
I like the color and it fits pretty well.

Professor Snuggles really liked the styrofoam pieces that came with it.

After work, Kody dropped Freya off for a visit.
I tried to get a selfie with her but at first she was being shy.

But she came around.

Best little girl in the whole wide world right here!

I told Kody to let her stay over night with us.
Jason was happy because that meant she was still there when he got home from work.

She was happy to see him too and cuddle up to him immediately.

So did I!

Making silly faces together.

She made some 'soup' for Jason.

She insisted on feeding him.
A bite for him, 

Then a bite for her.

Feeding Papa water soup.

We have had this chicken for years now and all the kids love it.
Me, not so much.
I do love how she thought it was pretty funny though.

I started working on a photo album for Freya which I've been wanting to do for a while now and I needed a picture of Haylee and Kody when she was pregnant and this was the only one I could find.

Perusing Instagram for more DIY craft ideas.
Looking for springy stuff.

I think this pig is so adorable.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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