Tuesday 16 February 2021

Shovel, Shovel Then Shovel Some More (Feb.12, 2021)

 Both Jason and I had to work this morning and we don't usually keep Freya on nights when that is the case but she slept in pretty good.

When she did get up, I got her set up on the couch with some videos and a snack.

My darling girl, her hair is getting so long.
Kody came and got her not long after she got up because I had a meeting at 10 am.

It actually warmed up a little today so at lunch time I went out and shoveled snow.
I shoveled the whole of lunch hour - it was so nice out that I didn't want to go back in but I had to.

After work though, I got right back our there to finish up - the snow had drifted A LOT so it took me another couple hours to get the driveway cleared but I did it.

Adrien had dropped this kids off for me to watch, they just played video games while I shoveled then when I finished I took them to the store for a treat and something for supper.

The both picked cold treats, Hunter got popsicles.

Alivia picked ice cream sandwiches.
I was just getting ready to cook up their supper but Adrien was back for them before I could do it so I just sent it home with them.

Today's selfies - front view.

Side view.

Back view.

Maybe I have an odd sense of humor but I thought this was hilarious.

Got all of these steps today just from shovelling!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy.

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