Monday 1 February 2021

New Hoodie, Whitecourt Furniture Shopping & Wreath Complete! (Jan.30, 2021)

I got this new hoodie for Christmas and it was a bit too tight for me to wear right off the bat.

While it could still be a bit looser around the belly, I do feel comfortable enough to wear it now.
Got my selfies in after I got ready to head out this morning.
Front view.

Side view.

Back view.

Mom wants to get herself a new reclining chair so I told her I'd take her to Whitecourt this morning to have a look and see what they had.
My brother, Rob was coming along with us.
We headed out at 9:30 am.

Our first stop was The Brick.
Mom found a chair and Rob ordered a new box spring and mattress.
That took about an hour.
We hit up Walmart next then the Dollar Store and IGA.

Kody called to see if Jason had skates he could borrow because they were taking Freya up to the outdoor rink in town that just opened today.
I knew Jason didn't have any so I stopped at the second hand store to see if I could find any, I'd like to get a pair myself.
They didn't have the right sizes I needed though.

Before we left WCT, we stopped at the Shawarma place and all got chicken shawarma's for supper - I picked one  up for Jason too.
Easy supper!

Kody ended up borrowing skates from someone else and they took her skating.
She was a bit iffy at first but she ended up liking it.

What a lovely day for it too - I can't wait to get some skates and head over and try it out myself.

When we got home from Whitecourt, I got busy crafting.
I made this sign to go on a wreath that I made.

Whenever I get crafting, Paddington gets right in there.

I don't know if he thinks he is helping but he isn't!

This is the wreath the sign is going onto.

I wanted to put some flowers on it too so I thought it would be a perfect time to try out the little glue hot pot I got for myself.
I love it!

The finished product.
I wish I had put the flowers more to the side but it still looks pretty good.

Adrien & Mel needed to take a quick run into WCT so they dropped off Hunter and his buddy, Leland, who was sleeping over.
They played with Chestnut for a bit then games on the Playstation.
Hunter asked for Freya to come over too.
She was sleeping over tonight but Adrien & Mel had a really quick trip and so came to pick the boys back up before Freya made it over.

I took the opportunity of the kid free hour to run down and hop on the treadmill.
I still needed to get some steps in to reach the 12,000 mark.

Mission accomplished.
Just in time too, Jason got home and Kody arrived with Freya who is sleeping over tonight not much later.

I got these little bunny glasses for Freya today and she wanted Jason to try them on.

I picked up this little sweater for her today and as soon as I showed it to her she said 'rainbow' and wanted to put it on.
I forgot that she likes rainbows.

Trying on Jason's glasses.
She still likes glasses just as much as ever.

The little top looks cute on her, it has little pockets which she really liked too.

Freya's turn to try on the glasses.

They look good!

She and Jason were playing in the basement and he came up without her which she normally doesn't allow so I was kind of surprised.
He said she was watching 'Baby Shark phone' so when I looked down there, this was what I saw.

Just chilling like a villain.
Mom was right there with her so she was ok but she was just relaxing and watching You Tube Videos on what is normally her indoor trampoline.

She had napped late in the day today so I was expecting a late night with her.
We took her to bed around 11 pm and I read her a few stories then she watched videos and played games on her tablet.

She got up a few times to go potty and tried to get back to the living room but I kept taking her back to bed and I think it was just after 1 when she finally fell asleep.

I know she's about to because she always rolls over and asks me to 'tickle' her back (which really means to rub it for her).

As soon as I do that, she normally falls asleep right away!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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