Wednesday 17 February 2021

Good Week on WW So Far (Feb.16, 2021)

Back to work I go!

Made myself a lovely breakfast plate.

I went down and popped on the treadmill for a few minutes each hour this morning and by lunch time had racked up 38 minutes.

Feels good to have at least half of my steps in for the day.

I had a massage booked at 4 but she called and asked me to come in at 2:30 so I did.
It was a nice relaxing massage.
I had lots of work to do though so when I got back home, I logged back in and worked for a few hours to make up for the time I missed.

Freya came over for a visit.

I was trying to take her picture but I guess I was in her way.
When Kody came back to pick her up, she had fallen asleep and it was super cold outside so I told him to leave her for the night.
Jason is off tomorrow so he can watch her while I work and we love having her.

Saw these owl snacks made on WW, they are so cute.
I need to make these for the kids sometime.

I've been doing really well this week on WW, tracking everything and staying within my daily points allowances.
Hoping that translates to the scale next weigh in!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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