Monday 8 February 2021

Kid Free Weekend - Almost! (Feb.5, 2021)

The temperature dropped significantly today and we are having a real cold snap, like -30 C, brrrr!

Needless to say, I didn't go outdoors for my walk today at lunch, instead I hopped on the treadmill.
I ran for a good 40 minutes at 4.0 or above.
In fact, I did two whole songs at 4.6 and one at 4.7.

Feeling proud and happy that my work out is done for the day.

I've been forgetting about my selfies so even though my face is red from working out, I wanted to get them done.
Front view.

Side View.

Back view.

We had been planning to go to the city this weekend to meet up with Kody, Haylee and Freya who had gone in with Crystal and Zepplyn for the weekend.

We were going to go skating at one of the outdoor parks but with the temps so low, we figured that wouldn't be happening so decided to stay home instead and work on some projects seeing as we would be kid free for the weekend.

Nadine dropped by after work and we went to the office so we could use the projector to draw out a project she wants Karl to cut from metal for Valentine's Day for the town.
It was nice to see her and catch up for a minute - I've been missing hanging out with my friends.

When she dropped me off back home, Morgan was there.
She came over so we could finish up her gift for Tanner for Valentine's Day.
The picture she printed off was too big so she took the project with her and she's going to get another picture printed off.

She had walked up but it was still super cold out there so I drove her home.

Well, we were ALMOST kid free for the weekend.
Hunter and Alivia were asking to come for a visit so I told my brother to bring them over.
They hung out with us for the evening and I think they enjoyed it.

My grey is coming back - looks like I'm going to need to make an appointment.
I think I'm going to go get it professionally done this time instead of doing an at home box dye and get some streaks put in.
I think I need a bit of a trim too.

Orange peel mustache - just because.

Jason built me a couple of these churches today - I love how they turned out.
I got them stained so that it could dry overnight an I could finish it up tomorrow.

I've been wanting to make one of these bunnies that I saw on Instagram.

I got a start on him - I hope to finish him off tomorrow.

Jason is going to build some stuff for me tomorrow so I looked up a few ideas of things I would like him to make for me.

I think these are pretty cool looking.

I tend to stick to white as a paint color but I might branch out and try a blue or a grey.
This is my reminder.

I saw this recipe on WW and I so want to try it.

After Adrien came and picked the kids up, Jason and I watched the latest episode of WandaVision.
It is soooo good - I'm really enjoying it.

There was a new Barstool One Bite Pizza Review so we watched that too before calling it a night.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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