Tuesday 16 February 2021

Happy Heart Day (Feb.14, 2021)

It's bbq day for Jason at work today.

We saw this recipe for Peach Cobbler on Facebook so he gave it a go.


The bottom layer is Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal.

Followed by can peaches (juice and all).
Jason added some cream cheese to this layer.

Then a white cake mix goes next.
In the video they put it on dry but Jason mixed it up first.

The final product.
Looks pretty good.
He said the cereal layer didn't really add much.
He didn't bring any home for me to try because it's weigh in day for me tomorrow and I'm already feeling like I'm going to have a gain.

Paddington naps in the funniest spots.

More selfies with my girl this morning.

Aww, what a nice big smile.

Getting ready to video chat with Papa.
He was able to chat with us for a few minutes so that was nice.

Translations "Happy Valentines Day Mom and Dad!"

I dropped mom off at church and then Haylee dropped by to pick up Freya.
They had a birthday party to go to.

Mom had picked up Valentines Day treats for everyone so when I picked her up from church, we went to deliver them.

We stopped at Morgan's to drop hers off and I got to see the finished gift she made for Tanner.
It turned out good.

The kids were there baking and making crafts with her so I got their treats dropped off at the same time.
Hunter has a new pal - Look at Frank cuddled right in there!

When I got home, I hopped on the treadmill to get my steps in.
I did the 1 and 1 method again.
I even tried jogging at a 6.7 for a minute today and I did it.

I got to 3.2 miles (5 k) in my fastest time today, 45.30 so I was really proud of that.

Red and sweaty but feeling awesome!

Jason isn't big into Valentines Day but I wanted to make him a little something so I picked up strawberries and made chocolate covered strawberries for him.

I got some painting done today too.

Just a coat of white but on a bunch of stuff.
Once it dries, I'll sand some of it back to give everything that rustic look that I love.

All ready for Jason to come home!

Jason had some leftover pieces from when he made gnomes for me so he glued them together and I'm going to make them into trees so I was looking for ideas.
I could do these but maybe with spring things on them?

These are pretty basic and primitive but I like them.

Decoupaging them might be nice.

I really like these little cloth carrots, might try to make a few for a wreath.

Ok - so yes, this just happened recently.
What was she thinking?

So when I saw this, it made me laugh.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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