Monday 1 February 2021

Yay For Friday! (Jan.29, 2021)

 It's Friday!

Made myself an omelet and a veggie dog then cut up some fruit to go with it, mango, pear and orange.
So good!

It was nice out today so I got out for my walk at lunch time.
I did some jogging - going a bit further each time!

After work, I had a shower and decided to do my hair, it's been a while, normally I just chuck it up into a bun (my Covid go to hair style).

Wanted to look good for my selfies!
Front view.

Side view.

Back view.

I was looking through some old pictures so just wanted to take a face close up to show the difference.
This of course is the NOW picture.

This is the THEN, wow, I can sure see a difference and I'm loving it.

Kody brought Freya over for a visit.

Jason got home right after and she demanded that they dance and of course her wish is his command.

She wanted to go over by the mirror and she wanted to go there NOW!

She likes looking at herself sometimes.

Making up some actions for the songs.

She's took a real liking to Bye, Bye Bye for some reason and that was on her request list this evening.

She's so funny!

She was making the funniest faces.

Giving herself the side eye!

She even cracks herself up.

Awww, looking at herself with so much love.
I hope she always keeps that self love.

She sure is a joy.

Perfect sign idea!
I'm hoping to get a few things made this weekend to sell on my shelf at the hardware.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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