Wednesday 10 February 2021

Completing a Hard Work Out is Such a Great Confidence Booster (Feb.9, 2021)

We are still in the midst of a cold snap over here and it can stop any time as far as I'm concerned.

I did go out at lunch and do a little bit of shoveling.

We haven't had any more snow but the stuff we do have is blowing around and filling in the walkway and the sidewalk.

It was so cold that I didn't stay out there long, maybe 20 minutes.

Got me some steps though. 

We had a little bit of a disaster this morning - we ran out of milk 😄
No problem though - I warmed up the car and picked some up - she sure loves her milk!

After her bath - she picked out a new outfit to wear and this was it.
She really likes it.

I call her my little ballerina when she wears it- she loves the skirt on it.
She also loves pink just like her Grandma.

Little Twirler - it's her signature dance move and she has it down pat!

She unearthed this hat from the toy box.

I kept trying to get a picture of her wearing it but she was too quick for me.

It's a game we play, I try to get a good picture and she won't let me.

Kody and Haylee came over to pick her up and she was happy to see them.


Oh her little looks crack me up, it's the eyes!

Since I couldn't get her to be still enough for me to get a good picture, I decided to just take a video instead.
Just being her silly self.

She & Jason made a cheesecake this afternoon so she had to show her Mommy.

And Daddy too!

I worked a bit late today finishing up some reports.
When I was done, Jason was on the treadmill (even he thought it was too cold to go for a run outdoors today) so I cleaned the house a bit then did a Leslie Sansone workout video.
That got me just under 11,000 steps so when Jason finished his run, I went down and hopped on the treadmill to get my last few steps in.

My workout plan was to jog for a minute then walk for a minute and repeat.

Each jog I planned on upping the speed - I wanted to see if I could run at a 6.0 even if it was for just a minute.

I started at 4.0 then went to 4.2, 4.4, 4.6 etc all the way up to 6.0.

I was surprised that I was able to run for the whole minute at 6.0, it was hard, but manageable and that felt awesome.

I had planned to stop after that but was feeling good so thought I would just continue on until I got 30 minutes in.

I followed this pattern:
jog at 4.0 for 1 minute
walk at 3.0 for 1 minute
jog at 5.0 for 1 minute
walk at 3.0 for 1 minute
jog at 6.0 for 1 minute
walk at 3.0 for 1 minute

I got to 30 minutes and was feeling good so thought I'd go until 40 minutes then once I got there I thought I would just keep going until I got to 3.2 miles (or 5 k) so that's what I did.

It was an awesome workout and I was sweating my but off when I finished but it felt great to get a really good work out in like that.

I will definitely be doing a workout like this again.

I remembered about taking my selfies after I got ready for bed so I'm in my jammies which aren't the most flattering but considering I couldn't even wear these pj pants a year ago - I feel fantastic.
Front view.

Side view.

Back view.

Jason cooked up trout, brussels sprouts and mashed potatoes for supper and mixed up a salad to go with it.

Then we shared a slice of the ricotta cheesecake he made.
It was really yummy and I had more bites than I should have.
I asked him to take it to work tomorrow so I wouldn't be tempted to have any more.

I did another side by side to post on WW.

I was looking for more project ideas on Pinterest and came across these.

I like how this one has layers of ribbon.

I bought a pack of keys like this one so thought this might be a way for me to use some of them.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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