Thursday 4 February 2021

Baby Made the Paper! (Feb.3, 2021)

The local e-paper came out today and Freya made the front page. 

She's in the top right picture kind of in the center with the pink snow pants and blue helmet.
Haylee is with her in the yellow jacket and I think that's Kody to the far right posing with his hand in the air (maybe he's taking a picture or something).
I love that the town did this, I want to get myself a pair of skates so I can go up there and try it out.

I made myself the usual for breakfast, an omelet with some ground chicken, salsa and an orange.
Yum, Yum.

Jason went out for his run this morning and he said it was pretty cold out there so I opted to hop on the treadmill at lunch instead of going outdoors.

I had a long warm up today but I did jog for over 
30 mins at 4.0 or higher.
I even did one whole song at 4.6.
I would have stayed on longer but Mom had her massage appointment so I wanted to giver her some privacy for that.

Got some of my steps done for the day though - I may have to pop back on the treadmill later tonight.

When I went back upstairs, I saw that we had a visitor.
Kody and Haylee were going to Whitecourt so they dropped Freya off, I think she is going to sleep over.
As soon as Jason goes on days off he wants to spend time with her.

He made ricotta cheese from scratch.
It's basically just whole milk and lemon juice which is amazing to me.

Draining off the extra liquid.

There - all done.
He brought me a taste and it's so simple but so good.
He plans on making some ravioli with it.

He had little Miss set up in the living room with every thing she needed while he worked on the ricotta.

When he finished, they came to my 'office' for a visit.
He bought her a valentine chocolates which she was pretty excited about.
She loved the heart shaped box.

She saw their crowns on my shelf that they had made before and wanted to try them on.

She has such a great imagination already.
She took her crown, put it on her face and said "Roar, I a Scary Lion".

Jason thought she was getting tired so he got her all set up to have a nap.
She chilled there for a bit watching You Tube videos but she didn't have a nap.

We seem to go through bottles for her at an alarming rate and we were down to two but since she got her today, she lost one and the final one was missing a nipple so Jason ran down to the store to get a couple for tonight.

When he brought in the new bottles and Freya saw them - she was super excited.
I think it's the most excited I've seen her over anything - I wish I had captured it on video - it was so cute.

He picked up some cheap masks while he was there.

Freya picked me the orange one to put on.

She wanted to have a dance in her chair.

Hiding from Freya.

I was too cold to take my selfies last night and I almost forgo again today.
Remembered at the last minute though.
Front view.

Side View.

Back view.

I had to do a bit of a Leslie Sansone work out to get the rest of my steps - Freya and Jason did it with me too.

She requested a hot bubba around 8:30 pm and I think she was out within a minute of getting it.

Paddington likes her a whole lot better when she is sleeping.

I was looking for more diy crafts ideas.
I have a thing for trees and rustic so I love these.

Think I'm going to make a few of these cute bunnies.

These leash holders are darling.

I love these and I think these are going to be my next project.
Jason is going to cut some wood pieces for them for me tomorrow hopefully.

The book stacks are something I want to try too.

Someone posted this on Facebook and I just thought it was so helpful.

Netflix looks like it has some good shows coming.
This one looks good, Firefly Lane.

This one looks good too - Moxie.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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