Monday 1 February 2021

Getting My Craft On (Jan.31, 2021)

 Once Freya fell asleep last night, she slept through the night.
I woke up when Jason left for work but Freya was cuddled into me so I stayed right where I was and just enjoyed the moment.

Is there a more beautiful sight in the world than this?
I don't think so.

When she did get up, the very first thing she did was go get a kinder egg.

Seems about right for a breakfast at Grandma & Papa's house!

Nothing beats chocolate for breakfast.

At least she was willing to share.

We read a few books together - I'm so glad she's starting to be more interested in them now.
Her attention span is longer and she asks questions about the pictures on the page and what is going on in the story which is wonderful.

We had a video chat with Papa to say hi.

He wishes he could have been home to spend time with her and so did we but there is always next weekend!

She found her nail polish and decided to paint her nails.

She's so serious about it

Look my nails Grandma!

She had to go show Nanny.

Morgan came over so we could work together on a project.

She wants to make a version of this for Tanner for Valentine's Day.
It took us a bit to design it then when we went to cut it, my Cricut froze up.
That happens to me often and it is so frustrating.
Freya wanted me to be playing with her too so it was hard to get anything accomplished.

I thought we were going to have to design the whole thing again but when I got Cricut up and running again, it was there.
We didn't get to finish it today but I told her I'd work on it after Freya went home.

So she got ready to leave.

Kody arrived right at the same time to pick Freya up.
I told Morgan I'd still do it after though, it was already 4 pm and I wanted to get out for a walk before while it was still light out.

I had dressed in running clothes at first but it was cold so I changed into jeans and just planned to walk instead.
I'm glad I did, it was cold out there but I got my walk in, I probably walked for about an hour.

Took my selfies when I got home.
Front view.

Side View.

Back view.

We had lots of leftovers in the fridge so I kind of had a mish mash of them for supper.
I knew Jason was having his bbq at work today so he wouldn't be hungry when he got home.

Then I got to work finishing up some projects to take down to the hardware.
I like how these little bunnies turned out.
I'm going to make some more.

Not sure if anyone else is as into these little houses as I am but I guess we will see.

Another - I liked that it had a crooked roof at first but now I'm not so sure.

I think maybe I should have stayed with the darker font.

I finally got these stars put together that I painted the slats for ages ago.

I think the green is a nice spring color.

So there - I got a few things ready to go for the Hardware, I will take it down there tomorrow and set it up.

So here it is, Jan.31, that's one month in to the year and I've gotten 12,000+ steps every single day so far.
It's easy peasy, I should have started doing this long ago.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy.

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