Tuesday 2 February 2021

New Month, New Week, New Weigh In (Feb.1, 2021)

Here we are, February already.

Time sure flies by.

Monday = Weigh In Day 

197.0 lbs today.
I was hoping for more of a loss but I'll take it.

That's 1 lb down since last week and 76 lbs all together.
I'm nearing my 1 year anniversary of starting Weight Watchers and I would really love to reach 100 lbs down by then.

The weight loss has really slowed down now but I started on April 23, 2020, so have nearly three months to reach my goal and I'm going to give it a go.

I got part of the project put together for Morgan.
I think it looks pretty good - now we just need to add the picture of her and Tanner and it should be good to go.

At lunch time, I popped down to the Hardware to restock my shelf.
I'll work on getting some more done but at least it isn't bare any more.

These are the little bunnies I finished up today - I love how they turned out.
The rustic look isn't for everyone but I love it.

Then as soon as I got home, I headed out for my lunch time walk.
I got some jogging in too.
I had to take my glasses off because they were so fogged up.

"Hey Mommy, pay attention to me!"
Paddington just would not leave me alone this afternoon when I was trying to work.
He was walking all over the keyboard and getting on my lap trying to snuggle in.
Good thing he's so cute.

After work I took my selfies.
Front view.

Side View.

Back View.

I decided to make quinoa and ground chicken bowls for supper.
I wanted black beans and water chestnuts for them but we had none so I had to go to the store to pick some up.
I needed some more steps so I decided to walk down.
It was really a nice evening for a walk.

I cooked up broccoli, cauliflower, ground chicken, yves meatless ground, quinoa and black beans then I also chopped up red pepper, celery, green onion, carrot, water chestnuts but left them raw.
I had bean sprouts too and I just added it all to a bowl with some diana bbq sauce and creamy cucumber dressing and it was even more delicious than I'd imagined.
Not that bad for points either and very filling.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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