Monday 8 July 2019

Off to NYC For The 10th Time! (June 25, 2019)

I woke up through the night and my belly was feeling much better but I had a splitting headache.
My Honey got me some Tylenol for Sinus and by the time I got up, it was feeling much better.

I was looking at Facebook first thing this morning and Miss H had posted Baby F's 10 month pictures.

This is one of the tops we picked up for her at the second hand store on the weekend.
So cute and only $1.00.


Love the sideways hat.

Aww, cuddling up to her mama.

So much sweetness all in one little bundle.

I weighed in when I got to work.
I'm down a little more which is good.

I'm always worried when I go on vacation.
I am doing so well right now with my eating - I know I am going to indulge when I go away, I just want to be able to get back on track immediately upon my return.
I also don't want to be up too much - I've worked so hard to just lose a few pounds, I don't want to have to start from scratch.

I plan on being very active and I don't want to stop myself from trying things while I'm in NY, but I do want to try to be reasonable and not gorge myself.

I ended up working through lunch because I felt like I needed to in order to get everything done.
I love leaving my desk clean, everything done.
Catching up when I get back usually takes a couple of days so I just like to leave myself in the best position possible.

I stopped over to my son's after work to visit them.
They'll be heading to NS/PEI a few days before we get back and they'll be there for almost 3 weeks so it's going to be more than a month before I see them again.

She was very interested in picking up her daddy's shoes.

She is getting really good at knowing when she should wave.
If you say good bye to her, she'll wave at you.

Time for some supper.

When she starts spitting it out, you know she's done.

She is really just getting into everything now - the fun has begun.

She's quick too!

Of course she & I had to take a few selfies.

Baby F and Grandma!

She just loves the phone - I think it's because she can see herself.

I just love this itty bitty girl so, so much.

Off to see what she can get into next.

It looks like she's saying Stop - no more pictures!

Really she was just copying her daddio.

There was music playing in the background and I guess she was feeling the beat!

I stayed there for about an hour then I headed home to do a few last minute things before My Honey got home.
He got home a little early, we packed up the truck and hit the road.

I caught a glimpse of a rainbow off in the distance.
I sure have been seeing a lot of them lately.

It started to get brighter and you could see the whole thing.

I got My Honey to pull over so I could take another picture without the crack in the windshield being in the way.

It's just so spectacular.

This is the very first time I've ever seen a rainbow go right to the ground like that and you could see the double rainbow by this point.
It was so cool.

When we turned out on the the double highway, we saw this family of geese ushering their little ones across the road.
There was traffic coming and I was so worried they weren't going to make it but they did, phew!

We got to the airport and we had a little time to spare so we decided to get some supper.

We got to the airport and we had a little time to spare so we decided to get some supper.

We gave the Edmonton Eskimos Sports Bar a try since we'd never eaten there before.

It was fairly quiet at the airport this evening - not very many people around at all.

I'm always checking out light fixtures and while I wasn't sure how much I really liked these, I do think they are a neat idea.

My Handsome Honey - he's just as excited for this trip as I am.

The menu wasn't anything fancy but it did have a few things that looked good.

I had the BBQ Chicken flatbread.

My Honey had the Avocado BLT - the fries that came with it were pretty good.

Selfie time!

We were taking the red eye and it was schedule to leave at 12:05 am.
It left on time and that's where I'll stop for now.

I had a look online to see if I could order a pair of the shoes I'd seen at the mall with my niece the other day and I found this pair that I like even more.
I think I'll have a look for them in NY and if I can't find them, I'll order myself a pair when I get home.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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