Sunday 21 July 2019

NYC Trip Day 9 - Beetlejuice and Fireworks (July 4, 2019)

One of my foremen texted this morning because he was having trouble signing off the timesheets so I logged in to help him.
I ended up answering a few emails while I was at it and it took some time so we had a bit of a late start again.

My Honey had everything with cream cheese and lox (his go to).

I had a poppy seed bagel with scallion and bacon cream cheese.
I added grape jelly too and it was delicious.
The combo of cream cheese and jam or jelly is delightful - sweet & savory, just what I like.

Random murals out and about.

We just walked down a street we'd never been on to check it out.

What a great green space these people happen to have in their back yard.

I love that people go to the effort of planting in even the smallest of places - it just pretty's things up so much.

This building had a little garden all around it.

It had cute little signs and things hung up all along the wall too - this little camper was my favorite.

We had tickets to a matinee show today so we hopped on the subway and headed over to Times Square.

It's the Fourth of July today so we were seeing lots of red, white and blue.

The show we were seeing today - Beetlejuice.

We accidentally went to the backside of the building first - I liked the mural they had.

We had to walk around to the front and we passed by Stardust Diner on the way (it's right next door).
It has singing waitstaff and there is ALWAYS a line up to get in the place (we've never been), today was no different.

I think it's going to be a great show.

We had seats in the Orchestra.

Interesting way to spell it.

The playbill.
The show was good - we enjoyed it.

We wanted to go to Prince St Pizza one more time so we figured it was as good a time as any and headed over there.

There was a bit of line up but not too bad.

I can't wait to get a slice!

Heaven for my mouth right there.

We tried a vodka slice too just because I had a hankering for it but it didn't even come close to being as good as the pepperoni square.

The celebrities have figured out how good this pizza is too.
This is just a couple of the photos on display there - lots of celebrities drop by for a slice.

They had the Best Chocolate Cake in the US at the Little Cupcake Bakery next door so we went to have some.

We've been here a few times but there are so many options that there is always something new to try.

My Honey chose the Brooklyn Blackout Chocolate Cake, I went for the Coconut Cloud.

Best Chocolate Cake in the US right here folks (according to Food & Wine Magazin).
It was good, but not our favorite ever.

This Coconut Cloud slice however, was dreamy.
It was soft and moist, there was a coconut filling in the center that was fabulous and the whipped topping, OMG.


This is the tour we went on the other day.
We got there just in time so I didn't have the time that day to snap a picture of this.

Saw these gorgeous sunflowers and they reminded me of Miss H - she loves them.
It's there first full day in NS today, hope they are enjoying it.

After we ate, we decided to head back to the room again and have a rest before heading out to watch the fireworks later tonight.

My niece texted to me to say that she'd been over to the house this morning to feed the cats and hadn't seen Professor Snuggles around so she was concerned.
He does sleep through meals every now and then so we assured her that he would likely turn up later.

We were treated to a Mariachi performance on the subway.
We used to see lots of performers on the subway but they must have cracked down on them because we don't see them as often anymore.
The Mariachi was good so we did give them some money.

I've never seen a subway car decked out like this before.

Even the ceiling was full of flowers.
I like it.

As we don't have much time left on our trip here, I thought I'd take some pictures of things that we've been seeing everyday on this trip.
This is one of the views we pass every single day when we take the Subway.

When we get off the Subway, we have to cross over the street from the Queensboro Plaza station.
The street down below is usually far busier, we just happened to catch it at a quiet time.

Then we just walk around the corner here and our hotel is right there on the right.

This is looking back up at the Queensboro Plaza Station.

The walkway we go through each time we get off and on the subway.

We went back to the room and hung out until around 8 then we headed out to find a place to go watch the fireworks.
My niece had texted back to say they'd gone back to the house and still no sign of Professor Snuggles so we were getting a bit concerned at that point - I was thinking that he might have gotten out but he has before and come back but since we weren't there, we wouldn't be able to let him in.
I was going to get my brother to go hang out there just in case but she said she was going to go back.

While we were waiting for the subway, we saw a rat at the end of the platform but actually up on the platform, not down on the tracks.
It is the first time that I've ever seen that and not gonna lie, it kind of creeped me out.
I wasn't fast enough with my camera to catch a picture of it.

We considered getting off at the City Hall stop and walking over to Brooklyn Bridge as they were setting the fireworks off from there and the barges in the river.

Last minute we decided that it might be far too busy there so we went on down to the South Street-Staten Island Ferry terminal and find a spot to watch them from there.

We found a spot down by the water, there was a perfect view of the Statue of Liberty from there.

It was such a gorgeous evening.

There were lots of people already there waiting for the fireworks to start.

Lots of boats out on the river too.

Suddenly we could hear the fireworks beginning and when we looked for them, they were so far off in the distance that we could barely see them.
We were bummed thinking that we picked an awful spot to watch them from and actually considered just leaving when suddenly more fireworks began and these ones were practically right above our heads.

The Staten Island Ferry terminal was blocking the view a bit so we walked around it and from there we had a much better view.

I took a few pictures.

Not many though because I just wanted to stand there and take them all in.
The show lasted for about 20-25 minutes - it was beautiful as fireworks normally are.
Just as a side note, I saw on Facebook that they were looking for volunteers to sit with dogs at shelters and comfort them while the fireworks were going in since so many of them are frightened by the noise of the fireworks.
What a great idea!
I never considered that the fireworks but be frightening for some but it makes perfect sense.
Maybe one year, My Honey & I will volunteer to do that instead of watching the fireworks.

After the show, we found a bench and just kind of hung out and waited for the crowd to thin out a bit.

That didn't really happen though.
A half hour later there were still lots of people milling about so we took our chances and headed into the Subway.
One line was crazy busy so we walked over to the other line and there was nobody around.
We got off on the Times Square stop and walked around looking for a place to get some supper.

Lots of places were closing up and we weren't really on the same page as to what we wanted but we finally agreed on a burger place, Five Napkins Burger.
It was really busy in there.

They had all these scales hanging just as decoration - I like how it looked.

My Honey ordered this black and white milkshake and I liked it so much that I ordered one for myself.

My Honey had a double burger.

With a side of onion rings.

I had a Texican Salad which was a salad with a burger up on top and I really enjoyed it.

We headed back to the room after we ate.
When we got there, my niece texted to say that they'd found Professor Snuggles, he'd been hiding in the ceiling in the basement.
That was such a relief.

JI was looking at social media to see if the kids had posted any pictures of their trip and they hadn't but I did come across these pictures of Baby F that I hadn't seen before.

Just her and her little friend having some fun in the sun.

She really likes playing in the water.

I also came across these posted by a few folks back home today.
Seems we had a visitor in town.

Not who I'd want to run into while I was out on a walk.

Well that is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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