Wednesday 24 July 2019

The Vacationer's Are Home! (July 22, 2019)

Getting my kitty love first thing in the morning.
Paddington is just so snuggly - I feel bad moving so I just stay in bed until My Honey cracks open the cat food.

As soon as he hears that, he's off.

I'm crawling along but at least it's going down.

For lunch I had leftover lasagna and coconut rice.
I had a lot of meetings today so it made the day pass by really quickly which was good.
My son and his family are flying home today and I'm picking them up at the airport and I'm excited to see them.
I have had a cheque sitting at the Auto Salvage in Barrhead for me since I had my car towed there before our NYC vacation.
I'm not usually there during their open hours but I left in time today to be able to make it there since I was going right through there anyway.
It's kind of sad that after paying $20,000 for that car, I ended up with a cheque for $87.25 but I am happy that's its out of my hair and no longer a worry.

The canola is in bloom and it is just so gorgeous.

I gassed up and got a snack for the road.
I got to the airport a bit early so I stopped in to Costco and had a look around.

All I ended up getting was a chicken salad sandwich.
I ate half then realized it was close to 8 pm so headed over to the airport.

They were scheduled to arrive at 8 but I had no idea where they were flying in from (they had a layover) or on which airline so I wasn't able to check the board and see if they were on time.
It turns out they weren't, they were delayed and didn't get in until 8:45.

I was so happy to see them!
They look pretty good for having just travelled all day too.
We got their luggage, loaded up the truck and hit the road.
Baby F pretty much fell asleep right away and slept most of the drive home.
It was close to 1 by the time that I got home and I went DIRECTLY to bed.
I'm going to be tired in the morning but it was worth seeing them and getting to hear all about their vacation. 
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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