Wednesday 24 July 2019

Movie & Blogging (July 21, 2019)

When I got up this morning, I made myself a coffee then settled on the couch and found myself a movie to watch.
There are so many choices!
I did finally pick this one though - Pure Country Pure Heart.
I really enjoyed it to.
For breakfast I had some left over pizza with my new favorite topping - pickles!

I also picked up a nectarine yesterday and surprisingly it was really good.
I don't normally have much luck with peaches and nectarines.

I have to be honest, it was a pretty lazy day over here for both the kitties and I.
I did get the blog caught up which was on my 'to do' list so I was happy about that.
My Honey was cooking lasagna for the guys at work today.

They kitties moved from the floor to the couch.
They stayed cuddled together like this for most of the day. 

My Honey had made a small lasagna last night for me too so I put it in the oven to cook around 5 pm.

I had a slice for supper and it was delicious.
More pictures from back East.
Baby F with mom.

My dad dropped by to visit his sister and her guy and they all look great.

An artist in PEI paints these lady bug rocks and hides them all over the beaches for people to find.
Miss H found a whole bunch (8) but she shared some of them with the kids so she ended up with 3 for herself.

Buckled in and ready to go.

That sun did not quit the whole time they were there so they had to be careful how much time Baby F was in it but they did take advantage.
Took Baby F for a walk on the boardwalk.

Checking out the big Wave on the Halifax water front.

It's nice and shady under there.

It's a cool sculpture.

They've painted all these pilings painted like sea creatures and I love it.

Baby F was checking them out.

Doesn't that look great?
Makes it so much more fun.

An old friend of my ex & I is a really great artist and does portraits down on the water front in Halifax in the summer time.
The kids came across him so Miss H got her portrait done.
They would have liked to get the whole family done - maybe next time.
My fitbit WAS working today and I did wear it ALL day.
Not a very strenuous day by any stretch of the imagination!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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