Wednesday 31 July 2019

Yard Sales & New Potatoes (July 28, 2019)

My Honey pulled the ribs out of the clay oven this morning and they smelled (and looked) delicious.

I think the puppies smelled that delicious aroma too!

Sam is quite the model now.
He is such a nice dog.

After breakfast, My Honey & I went for a drive into Manning.
I had a look around Fields but I didn't find anything I wanted.

We went back to the house so My Honey could finish off a few things and then we went and checked out a few yard sales and a near by salvage yard.

We didn't really get anything but we met some nice people.

Our supper spread.
My FIL got some more potatoes straight out of the garden and I can't get over how good they were.
They were Yukon Golds which are my favorite but I'd forgotten how creamy and fresh new potatoes can be.
Makes me want to go right home and plant some.

The ribs were delicious.

After supper we went for a walk and I saw some movement across the road.

It was a little froggy.

My Honey & I.

There was a storm brewing but we took a chance and it worked out.

It headed the other way and we were able to walk to the highway and back safely (and dryly).

When we got back to the house, I had a giant piece of gingerbread cake and it was so delightful.
We thought about watching the end of the movie from yesterday but we all three decided that we didn't really enjoy it and we didn't care enough to watch the other half of it.

My niece is feeding the cats for us and when she got to our place today, there was a little gift on the doorstep.
I think one of the neighborhood cats dropped it off for My Honey.

I saw this on a Facebook page today and just loved it.
The bee is made out of sculpting clay.
The store is an hour or so on the other side of Edmonton but I'd really like to check it out sometime.
I'd like to learn how to work with that clay too.

I'm off to Fort St John in the morning so we got to bed at a decent hour.
It was a nice visit with the in-laws.
It's enjoy spending time there with them, it's always so peaceful.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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