Monday 22 July 2019

Sign Class & Family Photos (July 17, 2019)

Aside from some congestion, I think I'm finally rid of this cold, Yahoo!
I was up slightly from yesterday but since I've not been super active since I've been sick, I'm ok with that.

I had leftovers for lunch again - I was so busy this morning to eat so I had a big plate full for lunch.
The afternoon was more of the same, really busy.
I ended up staying and working late because I wanted to finish up what I was working on.
For supper, I made toast with the cinnamon bread My Honey made yesterday.
It was really good.
I was registered for a sign making class and the instructor moved the time from 6 to 7 so I watched some Sweet Home Sextuplets before heading out to the Golf Course for the class.

We were making round signs and this is the one I picked to do.
There were only 3 of us in the class, myself and these two young ladies.
The instructor brought her daughter along as a helper.
She was wondering what other signs we'd be into for next time.
Her daughter suggested a Disney themed one and the girls were excited about that.

I did mine in shades of teal.
I did the lighter color first then I went for the ombre affect with a darker teal color. 
I think they are looking pretty good. 

My finished sign.
I'm not sure if I'm crazy about the pattern around the edge.
I think I'll sand it back some when I get home, maybe do some splatters on it or something.
It was a fun class though, I'm glad I went.
There we are with our finished signs.
It was around 8:40 pm when I got home and My Honey still wasn't home from work.
Troubles kept him out late on his very first day back to shift.

When he did get home, he got us each some ice cream with balsamic vinegar again.
I was going to skip it tonight but he said he'd give me just a small scoop so I indulged.
Meanwhile, my family in PEI posted more pictures.
Everyone is heading home from the Island today.
My sister is heading back to NS and taking my mom with her.
My son and his family are heading back to NS so he can spend a few more days with his dad before he comes home.
My brother and his family are spending the night in NS because they fly out early tomorrow morning.
My brother and his family.

This is all the grandchildren and great grand children.
Mr H doesn't look thrilled about the whole picture taking thing but at least he's looking in the direction of the camera this time.

Looks like my dad made it over to visit them.
That's wonderful.
It would have been his first time meeting Baby F and Mr H. 

Mom with all her grand babies.
Dad with all the grand babies.
Baby F with her other great grandma (and Miss Z).
What a stroke of luck that some of Miss H's extended family live in PEI as well.
Miss H, Miss Z, their grandma and Baby F.

Another of Miss H and the girls, her mom and cousin are in this one too.
It's so wonderful that they can go on a vacation to the other side of the country and get to spend time with each of their families.
My niece posted a few last pictures of their trip. 

The PEI shore.

Fries with the works - I knew they'd have it at least once.

Their names in sand on the beach.

Hanging on the beach in her new bathing suit.
All her hard work really paid off, she looks great.
She got a pretty good burn it looks like.

Baby F looks like she just had a bath.
Look at those curls.

Mr H digging himself in the magic mirror.

The fantastic cliffs on the shore.

Mr H - tuckered out.

OMG - Baby F with those looks - she cracks me up!!!
One last one of my grandmothers house.
Confederation Bridge. 

My beautiful sister.
She just turned 40 (doesn't she look fabulous)?
She made a goal to run 40 miles every week and so far she's been sticking to it.

I actually thought of doing this and then I see someone else had the same idea.
I'd do one for Canada though I think.
It is a great idea.
This just made me laugh.

When I first saw the top picture on Facebook as I was scrolling, it looked like a real bug.
I couldn't believe it was a cake, that's incredible.
I kept forgetting to recharge my fitbit battery and it died on me yesterday so I had to take if off in the middle of the day to recharge it.
Not that I would have had 10,000 steps regardless but it would have been a little bit better.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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