Wednesday 10 July 2019

New York City Trip 10 - Mean Girls! (June 26, 2019)

Boarding on the plane in Edmonton took FOREVER!@
We were lined right up halfway down the bridge.
I have never seen that before.
So needless to say we ended up having a late departure.

I didn't end up getting any sleep on the airplane.
No surprise there though.

I was sitting at the window so I was treated to a sunrise as we made our way to Toronto.

We didn't have much time between flights in Toronto and we ended up being in the customs line when our plane was boarding.
It was scheduled to start boarding at 6:20 am and to leave at 7:05 and it was 7 am when we finally got to the customs officer.
We ran to our gate hoping that there would be others in the same boat and thankfully there were.
About 6 -7 of us all arrived at the gate at the same time, the plane was already boarded but they let us on and we were off.

Leaving Toronto.

Not all of us (ahem) had issues sleeping on the plane.
Can you guess which one?

It was a quick hour flight over to New York so it wasn't long before I was seeing the bridges.
There are so many bridges over to Manhattan.

The closer we get, the more excited I get.

It looked smog covered from a distance.

But it started clearing up as we got closer.

There is the Statue of Liberty.

Seeing all these buildings makes me excited every time.

I got some pretty good shots on the way in.

Look how tall some of those buildings are!

The shadow of our plane on the ground - cool!

One last shot before landing.

Welcome to New York!

My Honey and I - tired but excited for our 10th trip to NYC.
We still love it just as much as the first time.

They are doing renovations at LaGuardia so cabs aren't even allowed to pick up passengers at the airport.
They have a shuttle that we had to get on to take us over to a taxi stand a few minutes away.

From there we caught a cab to our hotel.

We are staying at the Red Lion again in Queens.
It's reasonably priced and very close to the subway station.
We hoped that they would have a room for us but they said they would have nothing ready until 2 pm at least so we dropped our luggage and headed out to start exploring.

We went to the subway station and bought some tickets.
We buy the unlimited for 7 days.
It's $33.00 each for the pass and we use the subway lots so it's well worth it.

We decided to go up to Broadway (in Queens) to find a place to get some breakfast.

Of course we decided on bagels.

It was super packed in there.

Happy with our choice.

My Honey had the Broadway (which is whitefish) and I had the Cooper (which is salmon).

I thought it was like a regular bagel and lox but realized once I got it that instead of cream cheese, it had avocado.
I was bummed at first but you know, I didn't even miss it.
It tasted just as good.

We wandered up the road further and it was such a hot day that soon enough, we needed a drink or something cold.

I saw a sign for shaved ice at a Ramen place
 so we went in and ordered some.

My Honey got the strawberry.

I went with the mango.
They were just the perfect treat for a hot summer day.

We found this quirky/funky place with an old guy that sure was a character.
He was friendly but he also had no problem letting us know if we were in his way when he was trying to do something.
He enjoyed talking to us, we probably could have stayed and he wouldn't have minded at all.

My Honey bought this Cat Yoga picture.

I bought this one, it was only $12.00 so I thought that was a pretty good deal.

We stopped in a few other stores along the way and looked around but the lack of sleep was catching up with us so we made our way back to the hotel.
It was still only 1 pm when we got there so we had an hour to use up before they'd have a room ready.

There just happened to be a bubble tea place across the street from our hotel so we went there.
It was kind of Upscale bubble tea.

The place was called Moge Tee and they had cheese in their drinks?
That seemed weird to me so I didn't order it.

I got the Strawberry bubble tea.
It was really good - you could tell they used fresh fruit and not powdered stuff. 

My Honey went with the pineapple.

We found a table outside and sat there and enjoyed our drinks until we could go back to the hotel and get a room.

At 2:00 pm precisely, we headed to the hotel.
The receptionist there was the same girl I remembered from last year and she was just as unfriendly as ever.
She gave us a room on the 1st floor which was kind of like the basement, even though there were others available but I didn't care.
I was just so happy to be able to get into the room.

We unpacked then we had a nap until 5:00 pm.
I didn't want to get back up but we had tickets to Mean Girls (My Honey bought them for me for my birthday) so we got up and went.
We took the Subway over to Times Square.
We didn't have enough time before the show to sit down for a meal but we did have time to get a slice of pizza.

We found 99 Cent Express Pizza.

We each got a plain slice and a pepperoni slice. 

My Honey is always happy to have pizza.

I was happy too, it was cheap and it was good.

We made our way to the theatre via 8th Ave which had people around but wasn't nearly as busy as Times Square.

There is always construction going on everywhere.
There is the marquis though.

I'm really looking forward to it, I think it will be a lot of fun.

The cast.

The store.
I used to buy window posters but that last few years I've been buying magnets instead (much easier to manage) so I picked that up before the show since the line up wasn't that bad.

The stage set looked interesting.

The playbill.

We had first row in the mezzanine so really good seats.
The show stayed true to the movie.
My favorite character was the ditzy friend Karen. I also liked the gay guy friend.  He did a great job.
I really enjoyed the show.

After we walked over to Times Square.

As many times as I've seen it, it still leaves me in awe every time.

Times Square Selfie.

I wouldn't want to hang out here the whole trip but I do make sure to get here at least once a trip to see it.

I was surprised (and happy) to see the big signs for The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.
It's such a good show, I can't wait until the new episodes are released.

A little peak of Times Square.

We happened upon a frozen yogurt place on our way to the subway station so we each got one.
Not hard to tell whose is whose!
My Honey always goes for the fruit toppings while I tend towards the nuts and chocolate.

We found a quiet spot a little ways away up from Times Square to sit and eat them.

It's been a great first day here in NYC.

It's only 4 subway stops back to our room and I was so happy to see the bed when we got back.

We got quite a few steps in but that's just par for the course for a NYC trip.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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