Friday 19 July 2019

NYC Trip Day Six - New Haven, Connecticut (July 1, 2019)

We had tickets booked on the Amtrak train to go to New Haven, Connecticut for 8:30 am this morning so we had to be out of the room early to get there on time.

We left the room around 7:40 am and had just enough time when we got to the station to grab a coffee and bagel before getting on the train.

It was really busy on the train, nearly full.
I thought we weren't going to be able to sit together but we finally found a seat right at the front of the train.

I love travelling on the train, it's a great way to check out the scenery.
It took about 2 hours to get to New Haven.

We had to stop at the New Haven station first.
It's another gorgeous day.

Then we had another train booked to get into the city, it was literally a two minute ride, ha ha.

When we did get off the train, we headed right for Wooster St.
Of course we went the wrong way first but we found it eventually.

What a charming area, love the trees along the street.

We saw Sally's Apizza on The Pizza Show and we likely would have went there but it was closed.

This is the Little Italy part of town.

Frank Pèpè is another spot we saw on The Pizza Show and this is the place My Honey most wanted to go to and thankfully, it was open.

It has been around for a long time, nearly 100 years.

The front of the menu.

They were very friendly and welcoming.

That sign looks like it's been around for awhile.

They had a different brand of pop so we gave it a try.
We tried the White Birch (My Honey's pick) and the Root Beer.
They were both really good but the White Birch was my favorite.

We ordered two pies, the Clam pie.

And then the sauce & cheese.
Clams on a pizza is different but good.
We thought the pizza was really good and fairly inexpensive too.

Right next door was a bakery so we went in for some dessert.

We never had a lobster tail before so we got one.
It's filled with canoli filling.
It wasn't my favorite - I don't think I'd get one again - it was too much.

We got an almond horn as well.
It was good - I preferred the sections without the chocolate oddly enough.
I knew I liked these though - we get one every trip to NYC.

We left there and stumbled upon this really pretty park so we found a bench and sat for a bit.

There were squirrels all over the place.

They were fun to watch for a little bit.

We wanted to try out a couple other places while we were here today so we looked up directions to them.
Louie's Lunch (Home of the first hamburger) and Modern Apizza (another pizza place) but both of them were closed as well.

So we just walked around a bit and took in some of the scenery.

I've never seen a flower like this before.
I've seen them on signs but thought they were meant to be dandelions - pretty cool to find out they actually exist.

After walking around for a bit, there didn't seem like much to do so we went to the train station to see if maybe we could go somewhere else.
There weren't really any options so we figured we'd just stay.
There was a free shuttle from the train station to Yale campus (I didn't even realize Yale was here) so we took it and walked around the campus a bit and checked out the buildings.

There were some really nice old buildings.

This must be a church.

Wouldn't it be exciting to be going to University here?

There did seem to be construction going on at a lot of the buildings.

We stumbled upon a cemetery so we went in to have a look.
My Honey loves cemeteries.
He looked it up and there are a few famous folks buried here including: Glen Miller, Eli Whitney and Charles Goodyear.
(We only found were Eli Whitney was buried)

I like them too, especially when they are taken care of like this one seemed to be.

There were some very beautiful memorials.

Lots of squirrels here too.

The buildings that surrounded it were beautiful as well.

This was interesting, a cross between a few things.

Check out those feet\claws or whatever they were.

It was super hot, especially when you were out of the shade.
I saw a few groundskeepers in there working and I felt sorry for them.

Some of the tombstones were so old you couldn't read them anymore, the words were weathered away.
Others were even crumbling.
It kind of adds to the character of the place though.

A beautiful resting place for the souls there, that's for sure.

All the little details they used to add to the buildings make them so much more interesting to look at than some of the more modern ones that seem so plain.

The windows are awesome.

The stone walls are great too.

That entrance way is so pretty, love all the windows above it.

The courtyard is very nice too (and so tidy).

Just such a pretty spot - look at the trees that cover over the walkway - I love that.

I think just seeing these buildings as you went about the business of going to class everyday would never get old.

I saw some more of those flowers from earlier so I had to go closer to investigate.

I like them but I don't know if I would consider them pretty per say, very unusual and interesting though.

These ones were much fuller than the ones I saw earlier.

Trees just make everything better - they feel good.

There was a shopping/restaurant district so we walked through to find a place to eat.

These old towns  have great old buildings everywhere you turn.

We found an ice cream place so we went in.

Ashley's Ice Cream.

A nice cold treat was just the thing!

There happened to be a donut place right next door - Donut Crazy - of course, we had to check it out.

They had some really good looking donuts.

I liked the blue walls.


They had some fun artwork on the walls.
I liked the Einstein one - very fitting for a university town.

You know me and light fixtures, this one was cool looking.
We had a donut - it was really good too.

I was still hungry though so I ordered the donut burger.
Plus it was an excuse to sit a bit longer, it was hot out there and we'd been doing A LOT of walking.

Yale swag (we didn't get any).

I like how this room kind of juts out from the building.

A statue in a courtyard that we happened upon.

We did a lot of walking around town.

Eventually I needed to use the ladies room and since I always make sure to buy something, we popped into an Insomnia Cookies that we saw.
We went to one in Baltimore a few years ago and the cookies were warm and chewy, just the way I like them.
The one today was just as good - we had milk to go along with it and a bottle of ice cold water that was just OH SO GOOD.
Nothing beats an ice cold water when you've been walking around in the heat all day.

I thought these were so fun, what a great pick me up for someone.

When we were sitting there enjoying our cookie & drinks, My Honey noticed a pamphlet for a seafood place.
It was a bit of a ways away so we had to get an Uber.

D'Amato's Seafood.

They had a huge outdoor seating area with some nice decorations.

My Honey ordered the flounder sandwich.

I got an order of clam strips.
I couldn't believe how many there were when we opened them up and they were SCRUMDIDDLYUMPTIOUS!
OMG I am so glad that we went there and I would highly recommend it.
I'd go back to New Haven in a minute just to go there and have them again.

From there, we got an Uber to the train station but we still had an hour before our train back so we decided to do a bit more walking.

We walked across this bridge and we could see all these food trucks but they were on the other side of a very busy highway (likely the interstate) and we had no way of getting to them.

We'd walked for about 25 minutes so we figured we'd best turn around and head back to the station.

So we had to walk back over the bridge.

The Church Street South Bridge to be exact.

The sun was getting lower in the sky but it was still lovely out.

There are all the Amtrak trains.

The trains pass right under the bridge we just crossed.

Before long we were back at the train station.

Union station.

The train station was a nice old building too.

Waiting to board the train.

It doesn't seem to be as busy now as it was this morning -

There were a few others waiting for the train but not many -  we should have no trouble finding a seat together this time.

Our train was right on time.

We did get a seat together no problem.

The sun was setting and some of the views were pretty nice.

You know I love travelling on the train so much that the destination doesn't even really matter.
In fact, I'd ride in a loop and come back to the very same place I started from and love it just as much!

When we got back, I thought the 34th Street Hudson Yards station would be closer to the train station so we went there.

Turns out it wasn't closer but we are glad we went that way because we stumbled upon this big, new structure that we'd never seen before.

Of course we had to get up closer to investigate.

The whole outside was this copper, mirrored material.
That's me looking up at it and taking a selfie of my own reflection.

It was all these stairs that went around and around and basically viewing areas all the way around and up.
I bet you'd have some pretty good views if you walked to the top.
Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately for my feets sake) it was closed so we couldn't go in it.

My Honey looked it up when we got back to the room and it's called 'The Vessel".

We'll go back and check it out if not this time, then on a future trip.

The mysterious rash I get on my legs is returning.
I suspect it's a form of varicose veins.
It seems to flare up at the end of the day and by morning it looks better then it flares up again at the end of the day.
It always goes away as soon as I go home though - hopefully this time it will too.
My ankles and feet were hurting so I got some ice to put on them for awhile - it felt good.
My ankles are starting to swell a little so I just want to be careful and keep myself injury free.

Back home, Miss H got a mini makeover.
She went from blonde...

To a redhead. 

It looks so good and healthy, I think it really suits her.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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