Monday 22 July 2019

Bubble Bath & Cleaning (July 19, 2019)

I slept in a bit this morning and it felt wonderful.

When I did get up finally, I made a cup of coffee, ran a bubble bath, grabbed a book and hit the tub.
I spent a good hour in there and it was wonderful.
When I got out, I got started on housework.
I stripped the bed, gathered laundry and got it started, did dishes, dusted, vacuumed, cleaned etc...
You know, all the fun stuff.
It's needed doing for a bit now but I just haven't been feeling up to it.

I went to the store to get something for supper and ran into my brother and Mr H there then on my way home I saw them at the park so I stopped in to visit.
Mr H was very strong and brave and climbed to the top of this rock wall all by himself.

Miss A and her friend were loving the big pushes my brother was giving them on the tire swing.

Look at them go!
The kitties found a suitcase in My Honey's office so of course that's were they spend most of the day napping.

I went to do some blogging and noticed a little sticky note on my computer with a message from Miss A.
Awww, that was so sweet of her.

After I got everything cleaned up, I didn't really feel like cooking supper and making a mess again so I went to the store again and picked up frozen pizzas.
I met My Honey there after work and he picked a pepperoni pizza for himself while I picked the cheeseburger pizza (it's my new favorite).
I added sweet and dill pickles and it was so delicious.
My niece texted to see if I would take her to WCT shopping tomorrow and I said I would.
I love this so much - need to put it on a t-shirt!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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