Sunday 21 July 2019

NYC Trip Day Eight - Industry City & Spider-Man (July 3, 2019)

I just took over doing timesheets for a new group recently and I didn't really have time to train anyone else for it before we left so I just decided I would pop in and do them myself while on vacation.
I have a virtual desk top and can log in remotely and the timesheets don't take that long so I didn't mind.
However, I had trouble logging in and had to contact our work help desk for assistance.
Then when I did get in, I was working on a laptop that has a much smaller screen than what I'm used to.
I actually have two screens at work and I didn't realize how much of a difference that would make.
So the whole process took longer than I'd anticipated but I got it done.

We headed up to Broadway St to find a bagel place.

I had an asiago bagel with everything cream cheese.
I didn't like the cream cheese - it was too much but the bagel was good.

My Honey had the lox and cream cheese on a poppy seed bagel - always a wise choice.

We shared a pistachio muffin too and it was so good.

From there we caught the subway and headed to Industrial City - a place a childhood friend on Facebook suggested we try (Thanks LB).

It was pretty easy to find when we got off the subway.
The first place we came across was an Asian Food Market which we didn't realize at the time but it was part of Industrial City.

There was a food court kind of area and we went and walked around there first.

I noticed this one place had Okonomiyaki.

I was so disappointed that Wagamama's didn't have them the other day when we were there that I immediately decided to order one.

It was different than the one I'd had before - I didn't enjoy it as much..

From there we kind of went on exploring.

We went out into this courtyard area in the back of the store and that's when we realized that it was all part of industrial city.

There were these big buildings with these long skinny courtyard areas between them.

There were play areas in the courtyards.

Sculptural pieces and lights strung back and forth the whole way.
I bet it's nice in the evening with the lights on.

Industry City.

That's a pretty funky building right there.
It's kind of trippy to look at.

There was another courtyard between the next set of buildings.

This courtyard was set up differently.

There were nice seating areas.

I like the big box they have the tree planted in.

There were all these entrances to the buildings on either side and they were peppered with restaurants and stores.

This is an old freight elevator - not sure if it was still in working order but I love how they had it painted.

Ok, will do!

There were huge seating areas.

The floors were amazing.

Another funkily painted freight elevator.

Random artwork on this post.

They really want you to eat tacos!

We didn't get tacos but we did get a couple of our favorite - Grapefruit Jarritos.

The whole place definitely had an industrial feel to it.

Great sign!

There were murals.

We weren't hungry enough for a meal which was too bad because there were a lot of neat places.

Love how they made their signs just out of cardboard - way to Reduce, Reuse & Recycle!
It looks good to - it fits.

We came upon an ice cream place that had Tea & Crumpets flavored ice cream and I just had to try it.

I got a scoop of Mint Chocolate Confetti with it.

My Honey just had to try the NY State Concord grape.

He paired it with Gooseberry.

I must say it was really good ice cream.
As often happens, one of My Honey's choices ended up being my favorite.
The Concord Grape was fabulous.

While we were sitting there eating it, we were admiring these garbage can containers.
They look cool and My Honey figures he would be able to make them no problem.

There were lots of murals about.

Lots of random seating areas too and they all had kind of different vibes to them.

I thought this diver statue was cool.

I love the pig and how they drew him around the corner like that.

There were random message about too and I like that.

OOOH, a cookie place.

The paper roll for signs is a great idea.
I just love that floor tile too.
We went in but the cookies were tiny and expensive so we skipped them.

I like the light fixtures.

There was even a chocolate factory.

They were hand feeding lemon rinds onto the belt to cover them in chocolate.

From the back side, you could see the Statue of Liberty out in the harbour.

There was a lot of construction still going on.

A lovely turf grass area for kids to play in.
It was sunken in so you could sit all around the edge.
We sat for a bit and watched the kiddos play then we carried on.

There was even a yurt in one of the courtyards.

We stepped inside to check it out - it was hot in there.

They certainly weren't afraid of color.

Next to industrial city was a 'mall' so we went over to check it out.
There wasn't much for stores in there that interested us but we did love this statue of Captain America.

We walked back over to the Asian Market where I got a green tea, chocolate chip cookie (it was good).

We also shared a bowl of Miso Ramen.

Then we hopped back onto the subway but realized it was the wrong one.
We consulted our subway map (which is pretty much in pieces now) and realized we could transfer to the G train and go to Greenpoint.
So that is what we did.

Paulie Gee has a slice shop there and My Honey wanted to check it out.

It seemed like a small little place out front but then when you went in through, there was this whole other area in the back.
There were lots of families in there with little kids.
I found a table for us to sit at while My Honey ordered us a couple of slices.

We got a cheese slice, a pepperoni square and a pepperoni square drizzled with hot honey.

My Honey was happy that we made it there to try it but to be honest, we weren't overly impressed.

When we finished, I kind of got this notion that I wanted a piece of Tres Leches cake.
We googled it and found a place fairly close so headed off in search of it.

I like the collection of shrubs here - very pretty.

There were these giant flowers all along the street.

There were carnival rides and booths parked along the side of the road - looks like a carnival might be coming to town.

More murals.

Aww, a kitty napping with an elephant.

Fitting mural for a martial arts studio.

I think the murals make it so much more interesting than if they just left it.

This is the place we were looking for, Martha's Country Bakery.

I completely agree - eat dessert first!

Just look at all the goodies they had!

Cakes and pies and cheesecake - yum yum.

There were so many options I would normally have had a hard time in picking just one.

But I knew what I wanted before I got here and that's exactly what I had.
Tres Leches cake.
It wasn't the the best I've ever had but it was pretty darn good.

We saw a dessert that we'd never heard of before so My Honey tried that.
It's a Greek dessert called Ecmek.
The bottom reminded me of moist shredded wheat but covered in sweet juicy honey.
There was a custardy layer, a whipped cream layer and chopped pistachios on top.
It was good but I'm not sure if I could eat a lot of it.

We decided to go see a movie tonight instead of a broadway show.
We found a theatre that wasn't far from our hotel and headed there.

It was a huge theater and it wasn't overly busy.

It had 14 different theaters in it.

I made My Honey stand with the chipmunks so I could take his picture.
Thankfully he's always a good sport!

We settled on Spider-Man Far From Home.
We saw it in 3D just because that's the time that worked out best for us.

It was really good - we both enjoyed it.
Our favorite part was the relationship that developed between Peter Parker's best friend and another classmate on the trip.

It was such a hot day out today that I felt really yucky and hopped in the shower immediately upon our return to the hotel.
It felt so AWESOME!

The swelling of my ankles has begun and the rash is really spreading.

Back home, my son and his family headed out on their trip to NS/PEI.

It was Baby F's first time flying.

They said she did really good.
She was happy and jolly for the first part.

Then she slept for most of the rest of it.
I'm so glad!

I hope they have a really great trip.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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