Tuesday 30 July 2019

A Visit With The Kids (July 25, 2019)

I was up a tiny bit this morning but that's ok.

My Honey was down at the store picking up a few things and saw this cute toy vacuum so picked it up for Baby F.

Isn't it so cute?

We are heading out to the in-laws for the weekend tomorrow and from there, I'll be heading to Fort St John to do some training next week.

That's a long time to go without seeing the kids so I invited my son & family over for supper.

Miss Z was over visiting them so she came too.

Trying to blow up a balloon.

Kids love balloons but they make me a little nervous.

Miss Z having a turn with the new vacuum.
If only it really worked, my floor would have been super clean.

My Honey made sheppards pie for supper.

You'd think she didn't like it by all the faces she was making.

She did though!

Miss Z already ate but she joined us anyway.

My Honey made butter cake and I had it with ice cream and Balsamic vinegar, which didn't really compliment the cake but it wasn't horrible.

Baby F picked up the vacuum and she actually knew what to do with it.

She really liked it.

What a good girl to get my carpets all vacuumed for me!

I asked my brother to bring the kids over for a visit too.
I picked up a few tops for Miss A at the second hand store the other day for her so she did a mini fashion show for me.
This top was her favorite.

Thank goodness we just stocked up the magic toolbox.

Everyone got to pick something out.

Even Baby F.

She didn't quite know what to think of the Groucho Marx glasses her mom had on.

Why do you have such a big nose mommy?

Mr H got play dough - that stuff stays at the table.

Miss A picked play dough too.

Miss Z picked a little toy that she was having trouble opening.
She got it eventually with some assistance.

The other kids shared their play dough with her and she made worms.

Baby Selfie!

I finally captured her showing me her belly.

Mr H always ends up getting more than one thing from the toolbox somehow.
He's a sweet talker that guy.

Coloring was the next activity.

We found a big sketch pad and everyone worked together.

Even Baby F joined in.

She kept putting the crayons in her mouth so we had to watch her close to make sure she didn't bite them.
She didn't.

Had to get a selfie with this handsome dude!

Copying daddy.

Being silly and making faces.

She was scaring me!

Time to go home.
She's waving so fast her hand looks like a blur.

He wanted to stay the night but we plan on heading out early so it didn't work tonight.
I promised we'd have him over soon for a sleepover and he was satisfied with that.

Paddington reappeared once the kids went home.

He was looking very relaxed.


That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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