Wednesday 31 July 2019

Clay Oven Cooking (July 27, 2019)

We had a bit of a sleep in this morning and when we got up, breakfast was all ready for us.
We are treated so well when we com here.

Lily's breakfast was ready too.

My MIL uses this to wash her dish clothes, I want to give it a try on mine.

Time to go out Sam!

Sam wasn't ready to move at that particular point in time.

Today is pizza making day.
My Honey started the dough before we came, he's determined that a 3 day rise is the best.

Lily looks like she was sent to sit in the corner (she wasn't).

That's better, she looks much more comfortable this way.

My Honey got the oven going then first thing he did while it was super hot was to brown up some ribs that he's going to put back in later and let slow cook over night.

The oven he built is holding up so well.
He loves to cook in it - it does do a fantastic job.

They look so yummy already - I can't wait.

There was a bunch of grease on the pan and they were kind of difficult to maneuver and I was worried that he was going to burn himself.
He didn't though - all was good.

He slathered then with lemon, garlic and herbs and he let them sit like that for a few hours until they went back into the oven.
I had a bit of a headache so I laid down for a bit in the afternoon.
I finished reading Anne of Avonlea and then I even had a nap.
I felt refreshed afterwards and my headache was gone.

When I got up, the dough had risen and was ready to go.

He made me a cheeseburger pizza which I was very excited about.

Added some lettuce, dill pickles and sweet pickles to it when it came out of the oven and it was just as good as I was expecting.

Another pizza ready to go in the oven.
He made 6 pizzas all together - I had 3 slices, that's all I could do.

Sam posed very nicely for me for his picture (finally).
The last pizza is ready for the oven.

It looks so good (it was).

We brought some blueberries with us so to use them up, My Honey & his mom made a rhubarb/blueberry crisp.

It looks so good, I wish I liked blueberries.

No need for me to fret over dessert though - my MIL made her fabulous gingerbread cake.

There was enough residual heat in the oven to cook the crisp and the cake in about 40 minutes.

I wish smell-o-vision was a thing because the aroma wafting from this cake was divine.

The crisp smelled delicious too in spite of the blueberries.
After he took the desserts out of the oven, he put the ribs back in and some beans and he'll let them slow cook in the clay oven (also on the residual heat) until morning.
I had a huge slice of cake with a generous dollop of whipped cream and it was heavenly.
Yup - that about sounds right.
We didn't get out for a walk tonight - it was late by the time that we finished clean up.

My Honey had picked up a movie yesterday so we started watching that.
We watched about half of it before calling it a night and heading to bed.
We'll finish it tomorrow night.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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