Sunday 21 July 2019

Much Needed Rest After Vacation (July 7, 2019)

Both My Honey and I were starting to feel colds coming on yesterday and so when I woke up this morning, I didn't really have a whole lot of energy to do anything.

My Honey had to go to work (poor fellow) so when I got up, I had the whole house to myself.
I unpacked, did laundry and then hit the couch.

I started reading this again.
I'd forgotten just how much I loved it and I'm savoring every word.

I didn't feel much like cooking so I made some tuna salad, 

and ate it with crackers.

I had a nice, long, hot bath this afternoon.
I always look forward to having one after a vacation and I enjoyed it immensely.

My son has been staying in NS with his dad and step mom and she posted these cute pictures of Baby F today.
Again with Jovi - they must have become fast friends.

She said she's going to miss the sound of little feet pitter pattering around their house as they are headed to PEI today.

My niece dropped by quickly to borrow a suitcase - they are off to PEI on Tuesday as well.
I really wish I could be there with all of them - next time!

When My Honey got home, he and I went down to the store to get something for supper.
I got noodles but I wasn't very hungry so I just saved them for tomorrow.

My steps took a hit today but I really needed the rest.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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