Monday 22 July 2019

Out of the House At Last (July 14, 2019)

We slept in quite late this morning and it was much needed.
I still wasn't feeling much better but cold be damned, I wanted to get out of the house.
So we decided to take a trip to Whitecourt.

We were listening to 90's on 9 and they were doing the top 30 for this week back in 1991 and this was song number 8.
I was surprised because I'd never heard it before in my life.

We first stopped at the Dollar store then next stop was Edo.
Neither of us had breakfast so we were hungry.
We both got the same thing - chicken & shrimp with teriyaki sauce.

I had a hankering for gyoza so we got some of those as well.

I made sure not to get too full so that I could have an ice cream afterwards.
SV's grand daughter was working there - she's a nice girl and it was nice to see her.

I got the cream soda float and caramel crunch.
The caramel crunch was not for me - I gave it to My Honey an he took care of it for me.

Saw this lady in a motorized wheelchair out with her teeny tiny dog.
It was so cute.

We stopped at a few stores then walked the railroad track to get some railroad ties.
It only took us a few minutes to get about 15 of them.

We stopped in at the casino and gambled $20 each but neither of us had any luck so before long we were heading home.

My Honey had left dough rising and it was nice and puffy when we got home.
He added toppings and popped it into the oven.

Doesn't that look delicious?

We each had one slice for supper and that was plenty because the slices were huge.

I got 4 more picture frames for the display I'm putting together for my hallway.
It looks like I still need two more but I still have to get a few more pictures printed off so I'll do that next time.
This has been a work in progress for a couple months now.

I discovered some episodes of Anne with an E that I missed last season so I watched a couple of them.
There are things that I like about it but there are things that I don't like as well.
I don't understand why when they do a reboot of something, they feel the need to add in extra characters just to fulfill certain roles.
For instance, they created a new school boy and he's great friends with Anne & the girls but it's leaning towards him being gay.
Also, for some reason, Gilbert's father died and he went off to work on a ship, ended up in Trinidad and now has brought a friend back with him who happens to be African American.

I understand that when things get revamped, they add characters for certain stories but these seem very specifically added just so that there is a gay character and a character of color - it's very contrived and it's really annoying.
Anyway, that's just my humble opinion, I'm going to keep watching so it hasn't turned me completely off.

 I had some more ice cream and balsamic vinegar for a treat before bed.

I went to bed early because it's back to work for me in the morning, yay!
(By the way, that was sarcasm).

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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