Thursday 25 July 2019

Lasagna, Blueberries & Bellies! (July 23, 2019)

Got my morning cuddles in before I got out of bed.

Weight it down a bit - that's good.
Had leftover lasagna and coconut rice for lunch again.
I was craving pickles so I threw some of them on my plate too.
After work, I stopped over at my son's to drop off the clothes I'd picked up for Freya.

She was having a nap
Aww bless her little heart.
They always looks so sweet & innocent when they are sleeping.

She didn't nap long though.

They went through the bag of clothes I'd picked up.
I think Baby F likes the green dress.

I was worried that she might be scared of me again since it's been so long since I've seen her but she was good.
Very curious when I took out my phone to take her picture.

I put it on selfie mode and turned it toward her and she was trying to press the buttons on the screen.
This is some kind of portrait mode or something - I don't know how it gets to that but I like how it blurs the background and just focuses in on the subject.

She is daddy's little girl for sure.

My son acquired quite the beard while he was on vacation.
He says he's shaving it off right away though.

She was fussing a little - she's teething and she's uncomfortable, poor dear.

Her mom gave her some frozen blueberries to chew on and that seemed to help.
These things are amazing!
You can give baby food to chew on and it's inside a mesh container so they can't get any big pieces and choke on them.

She went through those blueberries so fast they had to give her seconds.

Look at those chubby little blueberry covered cheeks.
I just want to cover them in kisses.

I invited them over for left over lasagna.
She was playing mostly but doing some eating too.

She is still the Queen of serious faces although I do detect a bit of a grin here.
Doesn't matter - she's still the most beautiful baby in the world if you ask me.
She knows where her belly is now and will show you if you ask her.
She did it several times then I got the bright idea to record it so I could show My Honey when he got home from work and do you think I could get her to do it once I had the camera rolling?
Not a chance.
She was playing around though and being silly.
I love watching her just be her - it could entertain me all day long.
They stayed until about 7:30, I was hoping My Honey would get home in time to see them but he didn't.
He actually ended up working really late, it was close to 10 when he got home.

He ordered some supper from Burger Baron and they gave him a free, itty bitty ice cream cone when he went in to pick it up.
They always do little things like that - really a great place. 
I charged my fitbit last night and forgot to put it back on until late tonight.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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