Wednesday 17 July 2019

NYC Trip Day Five - Pride Parade! (June 30, 2019)

We slept in kind of late this morning and it felt really great.

When we did finally get up and get moving, we headed to Court Square Diner for breakfast.

I had challah French toast.

It came with bacon and eggs.
I skipped the eggs but you know there was no way I was skipping the bacon.

My Honey had Eggs Benedict.
They weren't that great (according to him).

From there we hopped on the subway to head over to the Pride Parade.

Looks like lots of other people are headed in the same direction.

We had a map so we knew just where the parade was going.
We looked for a spot kind of nearer the end of the route.

It seemed like a pretty great spot and we figured we'd have a great view.

We stood around for an hour waiting for it to come our way.

There was quite a crowd gathering.

This person wasn't even part of the parade - they did have a fabulous costume though.

It turned out the spot we picked wasn't the best after all because the cops kept letting people cross here right on through the whole parade.

Plus there were a bunch of cops standing there.
One in particular was quite tall and he would stand directly in front of me so that couldn't see a thing at times.

We saw lots of interesting people and costumes before the parade ever started.

Pride colors were every where.

This person had a Miss Piggy mask on, I wish I'd snapped the picture just seconds sooner so I'd caught it front on.
It was so great - must have been stiffling though in the heat (it was super hot out there).

Nice wings.

Lots of people were stopping in the middle of the parade route and getting pictures taken.
Everyone was just so into it, the old....

and the young.

Nice tutu dress.

Those lemon pants though.
Where would you even get something like that?

People kept going back and forth across the street.

So colorful.

We heard the crowd just erupt and we knew the parade was coming.

First came the cops on motor bikes.

More bikers.

There wasn't as much nudity as I was thinking there might be but we did see a few topless people.
Just let me say, they are far braver than I.

You can see how the cops were kind of all just standing right in front of us.

Those wings!!!

Not only was it Pride, but World Pride was being held in NYC this year so it was an extra special celebration.

So many countries represented.

The cops were even taking pictures and enjoying themselves.

Celebrating 50, of what, I'm not sure.

I like the balloon 50 though.

This wave of balloons looked like it was a lot to handle.

Just look at the happiness and the smiles.
The atmosphere was so loving and everyone was having a great time.

Great dress, Love it.

Fabulous hair.

Those platform shoes - funky!

The spectators were dressed just as awesomely.

The Grand Marshall.
There would be lulls in the parade so they would let people cross.

But then they wouldn't cross fast enough so we'd miss parts of the parade as it passed by.
That was a little annoying.

This was one of only a few actual 'floats' that we saw in the parade.
Mainly it was just people marching.

Some pretty great costumes on this float.

This guy was my favorite!

So many smiles.

Drag is so fun - the costumes are so outrageous and fun.

The Stonewall Float.

People of every shape, size, gender, race etc...all marching along together...
 - it was really beautiful.

I noticed the cops were getting lots of 'Thank Yous' from the parade participants as they walked by.

That 'Shade' fan is very strategically placed.

This is kind of what I was expecting to see but I didn't really see much of it.

Lots of 'high fiving' going on too.

The Pride colors are a great choice.
They are bright and fun - just perfect.

That colorful striped one piece short jumper is so cute.


Just about missed those awesome costumes in the front there.

These guys with the flowers all over them were great.

Now that's a suit!

Boston Pride.

Orlando was representing too.

More law enforcement appreciation.

I didn't quite catch all the signs so I don't know what group they were with but I loved her wings.

Kudos to her for walking the parade route in those shoes, I'd never have been able to do that.

It was nice to see all the countries represented.

Another awesome pair of pants.

So creative.

Some were starting to look hot and tired.
It was a smoking hot day out there again today.

But they were still having a blast.

Lots of them still looked like they had plenty of energy to spare.

Conga Coco Ye (I've no idea what that even means).

Nice Flamingo floatie.

These performers on stilts were my favorite of the whole parade.

They look so awesome.
You can't miss them either - they are twice the height of everyone else.

Walking on those stilts must be so difficult.

Great sign!
Way to go Spencer!

Another great sign!

Nice socks boys.

Couple of space age cowboys I guess.

More street crossing.
I could see this big poofy white thing crossing the street but I never did figure out what it was.
Venice in the house.

More awesomely dressed spectators.

The Venice group had this gigantic pride flag that they were trying to make 'wave'.

It did look pretty cool.

Montreal Pride.

Love the Italian flag dress.

Some of the costumes I didn't quite understand, like this pink KKK like one.

So many happy people.

At first I thought his dress was falling down but then I thought that maybe it was meant to be that way? 

They look ready to go to a toga party.

Then came 'Merkel Air' - Love it.

I love to see the Germans poking fun.

Look at the shoes they are wearing.

Rainbow unicorn floatie.
I want one!

Ok - this was awesome!

Winner for best costume of the parade.

More Germans!

Keeping hydrated - it was hot out there.
Even the Queen made it to the parade.

UK Pride.

Looks like a character straight out of Willy Wonka.

Pretty Awesome head piece.

Looks like a giant turkey or something.

So many creative dresses - this one is so fun.

Cute pineapple pattern.

I love the skirt and train part of this dress.

Amsterdam showed up.

What a pretty dress, I'd even wear that (the white one).

A truck came by shooting colored confetti out into the crowd.

It was just everyway - it looked good but will probably be a nightmare for whomever has to pick it up.

What a great experience for a child to take part in.

Awww, how sweet!

Check out the little guy with the bowtie - go little guy!

Those big ball/balloon things were neat.

Work it!

Looks like she's going to take a tumble but really she did a cartwheel.

Looks like some great costumes there on the other side of the road.

Great costumes guys.

There were a few politicians in attendance, like Senator Schumer shown here.
You can see his security detail around him.

I think it's great for them to publicly support the LGBTQ+ community.

More politicians.

Letitia James - New York Attorney General.

A congressman - Jerry Nadler

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was there.

Carolyn Maloney.

Love the headpiece and that outfit - so many walking rainbows out there today.

Awesome suit!

Working the crowd.

Cute outfit.

Just a shot of some of the crowd.

What a great dress, I just saw it for a second before it disappeared into the crowd.

This guys suit is made up of subway cards.

Some more politicians.

He looks like he's having a great time.

Just a brave topless soul.

That looks heavy.

Beating the heat.



By this point we'd been standing for a couple of hours in the heat, the parade was nearly over and I was ready to go so we left.

Love her shirt "Kiss Whoever the F#@$ you want!"

Another great dress.

Love the wall.
That's the dress I glance briefly earlier.
Turns out it was Miss Stonewall 2019.
My Honey went over and got this really great picture.

We were seeing all kinds of wonderful outfits.

That green hair really pops!

Everybody was posing in front of those awesome walls for pictures.

Even Einstein has is pride colors on.

Another walking rainbow.
We were hot and tired by this point so we decided to head back to the room.

We decided to stop at Moge Tea to get some drinks.
Aww, he looks so sad (he wasn't, we were just waiting for out drinks).

I chose the Cheesy Berry Tea (sounds weird but it was good).

My Honey was finally able to try the Parfait - they were sold out of them the last couple of times we came.

We also grabbed some cookies from a little shop across the street from the hotel.
It is also newly opened since we were last here.
We hung out in the room and rested for a while.
If felt good but at the same time it felt weird too, like we are New York for heaven's sake, we should be out, go, go, going, not sitting in the room wasting time.
I feel guilty when we sit in the room but I really needed the rest and ultimately it was good for us.
It was a refresher and after a couple hours, we were ready to be on the move again.

We walked over to a Mexican place that was nearby the hotel.
Gordo's Cantina.

The menu.

I ordered the Mexican Corn on the Cob - I really liked it.

I also got the guacamole & chips.
I didn't care for the chips, they were too hard.

My Honey got tacos, they were just average.
Afterwards we just walked around the area by the hotel.
We didn't have a show booked for tonight - we wanted to head to bed early as we have to be up early tomorrow to catch the train to New Haven.
We found a cute little park that we stopped and sat in for a bit.
I like how there are all these little green spaces peppered throughout the city.

We came across the cool bbq place - we went in to have a look but we were really too full to have another meal.

I liked their cool artwork on the building though.

I've been really good about not snacking in the room this trip but I did get this Passionfruit yogurt for tonight.
It was good too.

We had an 'early' night tonight - it was nice.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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