Thursday 25 July 2019

Soup Kinda Day (July 24, 2019)

We were awoken this morning by a crazy loud thunder and lightning storm.
It must have really frightened Paddington because he was hiding and we couldn't find him anywhere.
Eventually we did find him way under a desk in the basement but he would not come out.
My Honey figured he probably felt safe in there so we just left him.
The storm died down a bit by the time I left for work and Paddington did eventually come out from hiding so I was happy to see him.

I'm still going down, slowly but surely.

Looks like another storm is brewing out there.

My snack for break - lots of veggies.

BB is enjoying retirement but he missed us so he dropped by for a visit at coffee break.

It was a soup and sandwich kind of day today so I had grilled cheese for lunch.

With tomato soup.
It was so good that I asked My Honey if he could make soup for supper too.
He obliged and made his fabulous beef & barley and it was so delicious.
He was trying to get some work done on his laptop this afternoon but Paddington wasn't allowing that.
He wanted to cuddle and that was that!

I've been buying frames and printing out pictures so I could make this gallery wall and we finally got it done tonight.
I still need to get a few more pictures developed - I have lots in portrait but not enough in landscape.
At least the frames are up though - adding the picture will be easy peasy.

The cats started going crazy all of a sudden, especially Paddington, he was just crying and yelping.
I thought maybe My Honey had stepped on him accidentally but no.....
He's just brought in some grass.
It's just regular grass but Paddington is a big fan. 
A little laugh for the day.
This little dolly turned 11 months old 2 days ago and her mama posted these darling pictures today.
I picked up the little top and vest for her the other day - so cute.
She's even wearing a little headband - finally.
She never liked them before and would pull them off  - I'm glad she left it on, it looks adorable.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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