Tuesday 16 July 2019

NYC Trip Day 4 - Smorgasburg & Frozen (June 29, 2019)

I don't know what it is about NYC but we can't seem to make it out of our hotel room before 10 am in the morning.
It was 10:45 before me were out the door this morning.
We headed to Smorgasburg in Queens first thing this morning.
We went 8 stops to many before realizing it then we had to get off, go to the opposite side and go back.
Then we finally did get off on the right stop, we walked for about 20 minutes totally in the wrong direction.
It was schorchingly hot out there too, sweat was pouring in my eyes and they were stinging so bad.

We finally made it though!

Lots of people about already.

I wanted something from the very first tent/booth that we came too.
First off I saw this Jianbing which is kind of an eggie crepe with veggies inside and a cracker.
We had one on the food tour in Portland and I really liked it.

It's a Jianbing.
They crack the egg right on the crepe and kind of work it right in.
We tried one on a food tour in Portland and something about it is kind of addictive.

They add scallions, chili sauce and a cracker and it is oh so good.

I was excited seeing all the food tents we could check out.

But first thing I wanted to find a place to sit and eat the Jianbing.
It tasted just as good as I was expecting it too.
Writing this right now I'm actually craving another!

Ready for more.

This egg sandwich had pimento cheese which sold me - I had to try it.

My Honey got a ramen burger.

We sat again so we could try them both.
Both were ok but so far, the Jianbing was my favorite.

Look at all the people out and about, this is just the kind of thing that we love.

After we finished eating again, we went back to have another look around.
I was feeling a bit full by this point but we came across cookie ice cream sandwiches and we just had to try them.

Perfect snack for this heat.

I had the oatmeal chocolate chip cookie and My Honey had the fudge brownie cookie with a caramel layer.
Both were really good but I liked mine best.

We found a place to sit for awhile thinking we might try a few more things but ultimately we were too full.

We walked around a little craft market that was nearby - didn't buy anything.

It was just so hot outside that we decided to go back to the room for a bit to rest.
We laid down around 3 pm and got up at 5 pm.

There was a night market in Queens that we wanted to check out so we got ready to go.
When we got back outside, everything was soaked.
It was slightly drizzling but we must have missed a really good down pour while we were having our nap.
Talk about good timing.

We found the market.

This market had a wider variety of vendors, not just food.
There was lots of food choices too, empanadas, dumplings, ceviche just to name a few.

It was nice, roomier and cheaper.

There was even live entertainment setting up and getting ready to play.
We got to see a bit of their performance before we left.

We tried crab rangoon.

An empanada.

This freezing cold bottle of water sure hit the spot.

Shrimp and Pork dumplings.

Fish skin (I wasn't a fan).

A burmese flatbread - keemapalata.


We were really enjoying it and would have loved to stay longer but we had tickets to a show tonight so we had to get over to Broadway.

Waiting for the train to come.

I hope this means there'll be lots of room on the subway.

There is always so much construction going on every where around here.

Random artwork.


I had purchased the tickets for our show tonight on a website that I'd never used before.
It said that there would be a representative outside the theater tonight with a yellow vest on 1/2 hour before the show and they would have the tickets.
It said they would be there until 10 minutes after the show started.

Our show for tonight.
It was about 5 minutes before the show started when we got to the theater and I couldn't find anyone in a yellow vest so I was panicking.
I did finally find her though, across the street so we made it just in time.

We had pretty good seats, in the Orchestra, about 8 rows back from the stage.

The stage set looked great.

Disney does a great job with their sets and costumes.

The show was great.
I thought the way they did Sven the reindeer was so creative.

I wasn't so crazy about their take on Olaf but all in all it was a great show.

After the show we went to Schnippers for our annual meal there.

My Honey had the salted caramel milkshake that he always gets when we go there.
If you are ever there, try it, you won't be disappointed.

He also had a cheeseburger.

I had the chicken strips.

I find the food slightly on the expensive side but it is good.

Some artwork down in the subway station.

"Just Go Home" - don't know what it means?

More random subway art.

Sometimes when you get down under ground it feels like you are walking forever and ever just to get to the proper platform.

A store down in the subway.

Walk, walk, walk some more.

This Harry Potter show on Broadway has good reviews but we've not seen it yet.
We saw a Harry Potter once and it was awful so I think that turned us off a bit. That was in one of our first trips to NYC.

I think these can speak for themselves.

Still walking, 

and walking.

It's nice they have art for you to look at down there while you are doing all that walking.

There's always lots of people around too - I always feel very safe.

Finally made it to the right platform for the train we were catching.

Times Square station.
Most of the trains come through this station and actually stop here.

It is so hot down here, even at this time of night.

When a train is coming, you can feel the rush of air, it kind of sends a breeze ahead of it and it feels so good.

It took FOREVER for a traing to come.
We waited for over 30 minutes on the platform which I think is longest we ever waited, certainly it is for this trip.
We entertained ourselves by watching for rats on the tracks.
We see them all the time but they are usually far enough away from me that it doesn't bother me.

It was midnight when we made it back to the hotel.
Another great day in the Big Apple!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy.

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