Sunday 21 July 2019

Family Vacation Photos Finally (July 10, 2019)

First thing I woke up to this morning was a message from my niece with a bunch of pictures for me.
Made me so happy.

Mr H at the airport - probably checking out the planes.
It was his first time flying so it must have been very exciting to him.

Looks like he had the window seat, I loved having the window seat as a kid.

Looks like Miss A & Miss M sat together which Miss A probably loved.
She loves spending time with her big sister.

They made a stop at Mastadon Ridge in NS it looks like.

They have a Flintstone village there with the house and the car.
It's a cool place to stop for a break when you are on a road trip.

Little Miss Serious is up to her old tricks.

Won't even crack a smile, ha ha.

Mom's working on it.

Oh, I think I see the beginnings of a grin there.

Sweet girl.

If she had teeth, I think that balloon would be toast.

Still looking mighty serious.

Ha ha ha.

What a character she is.

Looks like they made a trip to one of my favorite restaurants when I'm there, Shirley's Cafe.
We always get an order of fries with the works every single trip.

I don't think they are keeping up with tradition though, that doesn't look like fries with the works to me.

The two fitness fanatics.
My sister and my niece have both gotten extra fit lately.
I'm proud of them (a bit jealous too that I can't seem to get my poop in a group).

Weigh in was not so bad.
It was down so I'll take it.

My Honey cooked up some shrimp and I had a piece of left over garlic bread with it for lunch.

For supper we had tortilla soup with sour cream, cheese, green onions and tortilla chips.
It hit the spot.

Paddington was sprawled out on the couch between My Honey and I.

Just look at him, what a life!

Oops I think we disturbed him by taking his picture.

Nah, on second thought, I don't think he was that concerned.

Look at his little tongue sticking out.

He's such a goofball but we just love him to bits.

Not a care in the world - all is wonderful in his kitty life, as it should be.

I was looking at Facebook after supper and the vacationers posted some more pictures.
Looks like they went to the Shining Waters Park in Cavendish today with Miss H's family.

Miss M as a farmer.

Riding the bull.

My boy giving it a go.

Miss H & Miss M in the magic mirrors.
Pretty long legs there girls!

The family with the fox.

First ride on a carousel.

Wonky scales.

I sat on this very same chair years ago on a trip to the park.
Only back then it was called Rainbow Valley and it was in a slightly different location.

The little girls got to try it out too.

Just being silly.

Aww, they are so cute.

Looks like a good crew of them went to the park.

Family picture.

This is a new attraction since I was there.

Looks like Miss Z loves Anne of Green Gables just as much as I do.

Baby F hanging out with grandpa.
It nice to see them out doing stuff and it looks like everyone is having a good time.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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