Monday 22 July 2019

Smell-O-Vision Should Be A Thing! (July 16, 2019)

 I'm starting to feel better finally.
I'll be glad when this cold is completely gone though.
Wish I was moving faster downwards but at least I'm going down.

I warmed up some leftover pasta and lemon herb chicken for lunch.
It was so good.
I was so busy at work that the day just flew by and before I knew it, I was time to head home.

OMG - I wish this picture had smellovision.
When I got home from work, My Honey had just taken this loaf of cinnamon bread that he made out of the oven and the aroma was divine.
I so wanted a piece but it needed to sit for a few minutes.

I was in my office working on blog catch up (I always get behind after a trip) and My Honey brought me half a slice.
I could have easily eaten a few more slices.

Look at all the cinnamon ooey gooey goodness in there. 
My Honey covered it with a coating.

And made it into French toast.

He brought me a slice at my desk and it was so decadent and delicious.
I couldn't finish it all but I gave it a good go.
I got a blog post completed and published then it started to rain like crazy and it was partially hail so we threw on raincoats and dashed out into the storm and moved my flowers into the garage.
It was weird because it was so sunny out but it was this raging rain storm.
I saw some pictures on facebook later and some other spots in town got hit with the hail really hard.
Way more than what we got at our place.
Isn't it strange how the weather can be so different just a short 5 minute walk away?
We were watching this new YouTube food vlogger that My Honey found - he's different but I kind of like him.
I was super tired though and was falling asleep.
I thought about going to bed but instead decided to try to get some more blogging done.

Maybe I should have gone to bed because My Honey brought me out a dish of ice cream later with balsamic vinegar drizzled on it and how could I turn that down?
It was yummy and not long after, we hit the hay.
My Honey is back to work tomorrow too.
My SIL posted a picture of my brother and the kiddos in PEI.
I told her she needed to get another one with her in it.
They'll be coming home later this week - I hope they had a good time there.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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