Tuesday 16 July 2019

NYC Trip Day 3 - Met Cloisters & Jackson Browne (June 28, 2019)

We had the Cloisters Museum on the agenda today which is way uptown but first we decided to go to Ess-a-Bagel.

It took us a bit there but we did see some interesting things along the way, like this building.
I like the design on it.

We also saw a giant rat.

Yup, that's right, a giant rat!
It's to drum up conversation about bad rental situations I think.
When I stopped to take a picture, there was a man there that came over and handed me a flyer about it.
Needless to say, I didn't read it.
I wanted to but kind of forgot about it and the pamphlet got lost somewhere along the way during the day.

When we did make it to Ess-a-Bagel the line up was way longer than anything we were prepared to stand and wait in.

Instead, we hopped on the Subway and went to Sarge's Deli.
We walked so far underground to get to the right place for the subway we were taking that we might as well just have skipped the subway and walked.
But how do you know right?
We made it anyway and they brought us out complimentary pickles and cole slaw.

My Honey has been wanting to make it back to Sarge's so he was happy.

It was pretty quiet.

My Honey ordered the split pea soup.
Normally the look of split pea soup turns me off but I tried it and it was tasty.

He also got himself an espresso.

I ordered the bagel and lox.
Look at all the capers and onions it came with!
I was delighted.

My Honey had half a pastrami on rye.

After we finished eating,we made our way up to the Cloisters museum.
It was nearly the last stop on the subway, way up town.
When we got off the stop,we walked over to this little park and from the google directions, the museum was somewhere in the park.

It was a gorgeous day - extremely hot, so we found a bench and had a seat for a rest before heading out to look for the museum.

Didn't take long, we found a sign right away.

There was a flight of very steep stairs or you could take this twisty, windy, upwards sloping trail.

We opted for the trail, I thought it would be easier (it wasn't).

It was a pretty walk though.
There were rocky cliffs and lanterns all along the way.

This stone wall was along a lot of the trail too.

The trail wound around and around so I think the stairs while harder at first, may have been quicker.

It might not have been as pretty though.

We started seeing views of the water.

I felt like I was melting but was proud of myself for keeping on going.

I was surprised to see all those trees across the water and no buildings or homes.

It was a really good work out for us.

As we kept going round, the views were getting better.

I wonder if we could make some stone walls like this in the woods on our property in PEI?

I could see this bridge off in the distance, I wondered what bridge it was?

Finally we came around the corner and I saw it.

Such a nice building.

Everything is so lovely when it's green.

We had to walk halfway around it again to get to the entrance.

I had to take one look back at the gorgeous scenery.

The Met Cloisters Museum.

There was a tour already going then another at 3pm but we didn't want to wait so just started exploring on our own.

There were so many interesting things to see there.
I was snapping away at all the things that interested me, like these decorative openings for instance.

Love the huge door.

Inside a lot of the door ways had these really intricate decorative designs around them.

This tapestry was humongous, I think it's just about as long as my whole house.

Lots of amazing art pieces.

"Christ Child with an Apple"

It almost looks cartoonish to me which was interesting.

This was life size.

I look at these things and wonder at how they were able to produce such things way back then, especially with the tools and resources that would have been available to them at the time.
It's a marvel really.

Another awesome doorway.

And another.

This carving was about the size of a pocket watch.

It's simply amazing the level of detail they were able to put into something so tiny.

"Bust of the Virgin"

The Virgin Mary holding Jesus.

We went into the Unicorn tapestry room which had this giant fireplace.

It also had all of these tapestries depicting scenes where they are trying to kill unicorns.

What's up with that anyway?
What did they have against unicorns I wonder?

This was a fountain outdoors.
I thought I'd like to try to build something like that at our property too.
(I'm always looking for things to make or get ideas, if only they all came to fruition, nothing wrong with looking for inspiration everywhere you go though).

There was a little garden separated into four quadrants.

Each of these columns had a different design on it.

It was a pretty little courtyard garden, I thought it was really nice.

More interesting architecture.

What a fabulous door.

My Honey spent lots of time in the garden taking pictures of flowers.

The flowers were beautiful.

A view from the garden.

So much detail goes into the work.

More column decorations.

There was a stone wall all around the garden with openings on all four sides to walk into the garden.
Or you could just sit along the ledge on all four sides.

More stone work.

I was just amazed that someone had the imagination to come up with so many different designs.

This was one of my favorites.

I liked how this opening wasn't just oval but had a different pattern.

You could see views of the water from inside.

Ok that is just creepy.

That's kind of creepy too.

All the faces were different.

There was a collection of potted plants out on the terrace.

It looked over on the river.

Had to take a selfie.

I had to thank him for finding this place for us to come and check out.

Stone walls like these just always look so good, don't they?

I think this is the Virgin Mary and Jesus again.

Love the door.

There was another outdoor area again with fabulous views of the river.

It had a nice garden area too.

You could look down onto the nicely manicured yard.

We were expecting a bigger garden but it was nice even though it was so small.

Everything was in bloom.

Pretty poppy.

This reminded me of a clover, not sure what it was though.

The stem was very spiky.

Another courtyard garden, this one looks quite overgrown.
The area all around it was full of seating and there was a little cafe where you could get a few things like muffins and drinks.

I got a corn muffin and found a spot to sit and eat it.
I noticed this opening, I don't know if I'd call it a window since there was no glass but I loved the shape of it.

A little birdie was there singing away.

This was another teeny tiny carving (about the size of an apple) with such amazing detail.

An old hand painted tile - I love the design.

I like this one too - blue and yellow went together even way back then.

The tiny carvings just amazed me.

I'm not sure what the medium was for these but I loved them.


They were getting ready for a performance later in the evening and one of the performers came out in full costume.
I'm not sure what the performance was going to be but it sounded really interesting.

It was closing so we decided to head on out.

I'm glad My Honey discovered it and that we got to check it out today.

We decided to take the stairs back down.
There were a lot of them but it was much faster.

We reached the bottom where the park area was that we passed on the way in.

Great way to beat the heat when you live in the big city.

We found a bench to sit and have a bit of a break and noticed this little guy beside us.

I'm thinking a ground hog maybe?

He didn't stick around long anyway.

After Cloisters, we took the subway to the West Village.
We felt like having a burger and wanted to one we'd seen on a YouTube vlog at Emily's.

The place was pretty packed but they gave us a table.

We were right at the window which was nice but it was one of those places that the tables are very close together and it feels really crowded.

My Honey and I.

He heard the pizza was good so he ordered the hot pepperoni.

I ordered the burger I had wanted to try and it came with curly fries.

The burger was on a pretzel bun and while both were good, they weren't worth the cost.
The burger was $26.00 - way to high if you ask me.
I'm glad I got to try it though.

We walked around the West Village for a bit after we ate.
I love it over here.

We wanted some dessert so stopped in at this gelato place, Grom.

We each got one, of course My Honey went for the fruit flavors and I opted for the one with nuts.

We sat in a park across the street to eat them.

There were lots of pigeons around and we watched what we figured was a male chase around a female for probably a good 20 minutes or so.
It was very entertaining.

Lots of steps on today but still smiling and ready to get moving again after a nice rest in the park.

We came upon all these people in front of this stage that had speakers up on it giving speeches.

I tried to get a look at who was on the stage and made my way in so that I could but I didn't recognize the person speaking so we left.

They are in full on preparation mode for the upcoming Pride parade.

The whole street is getting blocked off.
We've been here before for Pride but have never actually come down to the parade and I am looking forward to it.

Just a random shop loaded with plants out front.

These would be lovely to take home, if we spent more time in our room, I might even have considered buying one.

I love how all the businesses get into the spirit of things too.

Dunkin Donuts had their pride colors on display.

It's so great to just happen upon these gorgeous buildings randomly as you are walking about.

And awesome murals too.

We made our way back uptown again because we have tickets to see Jackson Browne at the Beacon Theater tonight.

We had a bit of time to shop around and I ended up getting myself a new pair of sandals.

Then we made our way to the theater.

I'd never heard of the opening act, Lucius, before but they were very good.
It was two girls and they had beautiful voices and sang very harmoniously.

While they were performing, there was a couple behind us that were talking very loudly to one another.
Everyone kept shushing them but they kept right on talking and it was very distracting.
Then a man went right over to them and asked them to be quiet and they seemed to quiet down after that but I think the guy was seething.
I saw him go over and beek off to the guy who'd asked him to be quiet but then an usher came and sent him back to his seat.

They did seem to keep it down though after that.

Then Jackson Browne came out and just as he was starting, a woman and two guys sat behind us.
The woman was hooting and hollering and whistling the whole time.
She was directly behind me and was leaned forward the whole time so she was yelling right in my ear.
I know she was just having a good time but it was so annoying, she kept at it the whole time and would not shut up and I could barely hear Jackson Browne at all.

She kept on for the first few songs and eventually it died down to just the beginning and ending of the songs.
Thank goodness, that would have been hard to handle.

My favorite Jackson Browne song, Somebody's Baby.

The concert was great - I'm glad My Honey wanted to guy because I would never have thought of it.

We got frozen yogurt after the show before we headed back to the room.
Can you tell whose is whose?

I changed into my new sandals at the show - they are blingy and I just love them.
My feet enjoyed the change too.

So file this under things you see while waiting for the subway, this guy had a parrot with him.
It was completely free but stayed right on his arm and he would pet it now and then.

My niece is giving our kitties lots of loving while we are away.

Ha ha.

Miss A rocking the unibrow.
I totally need to try that snapchat filter, ha ha.

When we got back to the room I was looking at Instagram and discovered that Lady Gaga was one of the speakers today at the gathering we came across.

That would have been so awesome to see. guess we should have stuck around longer.
For all we know, she could have already come and gone by the time we came across it anyway.

I love, love, love her boots!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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