Sunday 21 July 2019

Happy Birthday Mom! (July 9, 2019)

I still wasn't feeling any better when I woke up this morning.
I wasn't any worse either so I guess that something to be thankful for.

I was laying in bed looking at Facebook and there were more pictures posted on there from the kids vacation.

Beach babe!

Just going for a walk on the beach with her grandpa.

I love these behind shots.

Miss Z looks a little chilly in this picture.  

She's getting to spend some time with he GeGe too!

Looks like they found a water park to play in.

My son and his girl.
These were sure nice to see!

The cold is still lingering but off to work I went - I'm not feeling the best, but not bad enough to stay home from work sick.

Weigh in was good, going the right way!

Today was filled with meetings, one after another.
They make for a long day sometimes.

I got away late for lunch and had to head back early so I just had a can of tomato soup for lunch.
It was pretty good though.

I had a massage booked right after work so I headed straight there.
She worked on my legs a lot and actually put some cups on my feet which she's never done before but it felt really good.
She told me that the massage might make my cold worse or it might make it go away.
I was willing to take the risk!

My brother had made garlic bread last night and it smelled so good that I've been thinking about it ever since.
I picked some up for our supper tonight and made some pasta with tomato sauce & capers to go with it.

My sister texted me to say the my grand daughter makes the funniest faces and that if looks could kill, our Uncle W would be a goner right now.

Then she sent this!
Ha ha ha, it cracked me up.
It's so her, Little Miss Serious.

I told my sister I was really missing being there with everyone and I wanted her to send me some pictures so she did.

Baby F playing in my grandma's yard.
Still looking quite serious.

It was my mom's birthday today so they had a cake for her.

She sent me this one too just because she liked it.
I'm not even sure whose cat it is.

She sent me a video of the boys saying hi to me as well but it's really blurry for some reason.

I video called them to say hi to everyone and Happy Birthday to mom.
I tried to capture a screen shot but of course my sister closed her eyes right at that moment.

So I tried again but not much better luck.

I'm so thankful for video calling so I can feel a little like I'm there.
My brother and his family will be getting there later this evening and I so wish I could be there too.
I feel like I'm missing out a bit but the video calling helps.

I saw this on Facebook today and I love it! 

Saw this on Instagram and it's the exact noodles that My Honey had twice while we were in NYC.
They were far too spicy for me but he loved them.
I thought it was neat to see them on the Munchies page.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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