Monday 22 July 2019

Enjoying the Vacationers Photos (July 15, 2019)

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's back to work I go.

Weigh in this morning - 268.2 lbs.

I was back to my own office this morning which was nice.
Being out front was nice for a change but I do have my desk set up just the way I like so it felt like coming home.

I had a slice of left over pizza for lunch and watched some YouTube vlogs on travel and food.
We are doing Albuquerque research already for our trip coming up in October. 

My Honey was busy this afternoon bbqing lemon herb chicken.

We had that for supper along with his signature pasta dish.
It was so yummy.
I'm not always a pasta girl but I do love this particular dish.
He adds olives, capers, anchovies and onions so it's a bit on the saltier side but in a good way.

After we ate, we went over to my son's to install a new gate.
The one they had there before wasn't my favorite.
It had bars with openings and when they installed it, the trim was in the way so they couldn't go all the way down to the floor.
That meant there was a bit of a gap at the bottom and it made me nervous. 

My Honey just went ahead and installed this one right on the trim so there is no gap at the bottom and it's all closed in so it makes me feel much better.

I texted my sister to see how their trip to Shining Waters went today and she sent me some pictures.

That's quite the smile there Mr E!

Such big grins - I hope that means they are having a good time and not that mom forced them to smile for a picture.

That's the cutest looking lobster that I've ever seen! 

Looks like my cousin T and her honey G joined them at the park.

G's daughter is a picture (and horse riding) pro!

Mr D is trying to hid from the paparazzi I think!

Miss A is all smiles - I love that butterfly dress she has on!

Waiting for supper, everyone looks done out.

Guess it must have been tiring having all that fun at Shining Waters.

It looks like maybe they are coloring?
Mr D looks like he's getting comfy.

My son and his family posted more pictures today too (finally).

This was Miss M when they went to Shining Waters last week.

I love the little Minnie bow on the stroller.
So cute.
Not as cute as Baby F though!

Miss H in the magic mirrors again, ha ha.

Miss M and Miss Z riding the tractor.

Smile girls!  

Miss Z found a friend.

Miss M - doing kid stuff is fun.

Giant transformer.
I think this is at Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum in Cavendish.

Weird looking robot guy.

Not a fan of the forked tongue.

Ha ha, Baby F and Miss Z!!!

Now Miss H has her noggin in there.

Yoda - my favorite Star Wars character.

Miss Z checking out the Monsters Inc characters.

They are soooo big.

Miss H and Johny Depp wax figure.

My boy and Miss Z hanging with Paris Hilton.

Posing like Jay Z.

I think they did a good job with the Halle Barry figure.

Guess he's just a little shorty.

OMG - this made me laugh out loud.

What a great idea - we go through a ton of these containers.
I guess I'll have to start saving them now.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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