Sunday 21 July 2019

So Long NYC, Until Next Time (July 6, 2019)

Well we've come to the end of our New York visit, we fly out of LaGuardia at 7:30 am.
We had everything packed and ready to go so we got up at 5 am  so we could leave by 5:30.
We had the front desk call us a car and we knew being so early on a Saturday morning that the traffic wouldn't be an issue.

I gave out transit tickets to the fellow at the front desk and asked him to pass them along to someone else who could use them possibly.
They still had four days on them so hopefully they aren't wasted. 

 I snapped a few last shots as we were leaving the city, it's pretty quiet at this time of day around here.

This is the store we went to a few times but it was always closed, not sure why. 

I think we'll stay in the same area again when we come back next time.

It feels safe, even at night and the subway stations are very close.

I'm really going to miss it but I know we'll be back in a years time. 

This is Court Square Diner - we've eaten there a few times although only once this trip.

At first I thought this building wasn't finished but on second glance, I think it's meant to look like this.

Another strange shaped building.

A few last glimpses of the city.

Until next time New York.

We didn't have a ton of time to spare when we got to the airport but we didn't feel rushed either - it was perfect timing.

The gates are all crammed together so not much seating for everyone but we didn't have long to wait anyway. 

We had to go through customs in Toronto then our next stop was Tim Hortons for some breakfast.

We had a three hour layover in Toronto so after we ate, we just found our gate and waited near by it until departure.

There was a bit of turbulence at the beginning of the flight from Toronto to Edmonton but other than that it it was pretty smooth so that was good.
I was able to actually rest my eyes a bit without my mind going into overdrive.

We landed in Edmonton right on time, 2:09 pm.
We picked up the truck and headed home.

We made a stop at Walmart in Stony Plain for a few essentials then we were back on the road. 

We stopped at the Co-op in Barrhead for some supper.
I really wanted chicken strips and that honey dill sauce which is just the best stuff ever.
We were just in time too because we got the last 3 packs of it.

Both of us were feeling colds coming on, sore throats and a bit of coughing so we made sure to get some Cold FX at Walmart and just rested when we got home. 

Of course we had kitty cuddles too.

They usually ignore us for a little while when we get back from a long trip but it doesn't take long for them to come around and look for loving.

Side note - we had our 14 year old neighbor mow our lawn while we were gone and he did a fabulous job!

I love this shirt.

It was a wonderful trip to New York and I'm already looking forward to our next one.
It does feel nice to be home though and I can't wait to tuck into my own comfy bed tonight!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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