Wednesday 31 July 2019

Fort St John For a Few Days (July 29, 2019)

I was up early to get ready to head out.
I got packed up and my MIL packed me a lunch then I said my good-byes and hit the road.

It was a beautiful day for driving and the highway I took was not busy at all.
It took about 2 hours to hit BC.

There was some pretty scenery along the way but I was driving so I couldn't really take any pictures.
I did snap this one quickly when I was at a stop but it's all I got.

I was hoping I'd get there without having to stop but my bladder ruined that plan.
I was wriggling around in the truck for about 40 minutes until I finally saw a place that I could stop at.
I always buy something at the places where I use the facilities so I bought some cookies.
I got monster cookies and oatmeal raisin ones and they were really good.
I snacked on those the rest of the way.

When I got to Fort St John (it took about 3 hours), I punched in the address I had for the office there and it took me to a building that was not the right building.
So then I googled the address for the office and when I punched it into the GPS - it said the address didn't exist.
So then I called the office and they gave me another address to punch into the GPS.
That took me to a location that was just a big field.
Ha ha - I was beginning to think I'd never get there.
So I called the girls I was going to train again and they just told me where to go and finally I was able to find it.

I was training to ladies - they were both nice.
I trained them all day.
Luckily I had that nice lunch from my MIL so I sat in the lunchroom with a few of the folks that worked there and it was good.
They were very friendly.

I asked one of the ladies for recommendations on where to eat and she gave me a few.
I ended up picking this place.

AudieLicious was the name of the place.
It opened recently - I looked up the reviews and they were good.

I had a bowl of cheeseburger soup.

Their specialty is seafood but I ended up getting a burger.

I like how they branded their name into the bun of the burger.

It's a nice place - I would eat there again.

Then I headed over to check into the hotel.

My home away from home for the next three nights.

I got on my jammies, popped into bed and watched some tv for the evening.

My Honey stayed at his parents again tonight,
Somebody had to help them out with all those desserts from the weekend.
He had a smorgasborg of them tonight.
That will put a little dent in things!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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