Monday 22 July 2019

The First Bunch of Vacationers Return (July 18, 2019)

I'm still going down a little which is great.
266.8 lbs this morning.

I didn't have any meetings during coffee break today so I was able to attend.
My Honey texted to see if BN was hard at work so I sent him this picture as the answer.
My brother & his family got home from PEI today.
He texted to say that Mr H had been asking to come over to my house ever since they landed so I said I'd go pick him up after work.
When I got over there, Miss A decided she wanted to come over too.

I had to stop at the store on the way and I had gotten them each a treat (m&m's) so they had those as soon as they got to the house.

I was making nachos for supper but wasn't going to have it ready until My Honey got home after 7 so I made the kids some soup.
I was even brave (or stupid) and allowed them to sit on the floor in the living room to eat it so they could continue to watch their show.
Luckily it worked out and there were no spills.

When My Honey did get home, the kids were just wired to see him.

They wanted that magic toolbox.
My Honey had picked up some treats for them last time we went to the dollar store so they were quite excited.

He got them these little drone like balls that flew.
He had to charge them up first but it didn't take long.

You just held your hand underneath and they would go back up in the air.

They were really neat actually - great deal for $4.00 and the kids really enjoyed them.

The charge didn't last long though.
After my brother came and picked them up, we had our nachos for supper.

My SIL finally posted some vacation photos now that she has better wifi.
I don't have many of just her and my brother so I was happy to see this one.

The kids sleeping - I never saw anyone move around and take up space in a bed like Mr H.

These are some of hers from the beach day they had.
My brother making bubbles.

Mr H looks quite happy to be buried up to his neck.

Playing with his trucks in the sand.

Miss A and her mama - what a nice picture.

My brother.

Just lounging on the red rocks of PEI.

How many times have we walked this road to the beach?
This is across the street from my Grandmothers and we've run down it so many times I don't even think I could count it.

Enjoying the view on the plane.

Making silly faces.

Mr D "The Lobster"

Miss A "The Lobster"

Mr H needed a turn too.

Riding the rollercoaster with mom.
He wasn't sure weather he liked it or not.
It was scary & fun.

My cousin T rode with Miss A.

Now this is more like it, fun but not that scary.

Miss M took him around the pirate ship and he really liked it.

Mr D on the carousel.

He found the same tractor Miss Z was checking out the other day.

It's a pretty cool tractor actually, maybe I can get My Honey to build one.

Miss M rode the carousel with him too.

Looks like he loves this ride.

Mr H with his mama - what a great picture.

Mr H showing us his gecko muscles.
My brother posing with his big catch (it's not real).

Baby F very interested in her play.

Baby F at the beach with her daddy.

Mr H is getting right in there boy and having a great old time.

Testing out the water with Dad.

I'd buy it.

I like this sign.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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