Friday 12 July 2019

NYC Trip Day Two - Oklahoma! (June 27, 2019)

We got a late start this morning because sleeping in felt so good.
We really did need to catch up on some zzzz's.
Eventually we did get up though, grabbed coffees at Dunkin Donuts then jumped on the subway with the intention of heading to the South Seaport TKTS.

Halfway there we changed our minds and instead jumped off at the Prince St. stop so we could go get some pizza.

Just some subway art - each station kind of has it's own look, I liked this.

I've been thinking about this pizza ever since the last time we came.
We figured since it was a weekday morning that there wouldn't be a line up, we were wrong.
It is worth standing in line for though so we joined the end of the queue.

As we got closer to the front of the line, we could hear the workers talking and turns out they had some issues this morning and ended up opening late, hence the line.

We really didn't wait that long, maybe 15 minutes to get to the counter. 

Of course we got the pepperoni square (or spicy square as I like to call it).

We each got a slice actually then we went in search for a place to sit and eat it.
We couldn't find a place to sit so just stood and ate it around the corner from the shop.

Oh no, one of those delicious, crispy pieces of pepperoni got away.

The 5 second rule DOES NOT count here.
As good as that pepperoni is, there is no way I'd ever eat anything that touched the ground here even for a millisecond.
I've seen people do too many gross things so stay there it did.

There was a Milk right beside us so we decided to get some dessert.

It's soft serve ice cream made with cereal milk.
We got the cornflake cereal added and it tasted ok but it was very expensive and not worth the price (in my humble opion).

We just walked around for a bit and happened upon the new trade tower.
This structure in front of it wasn't complete last time we were here.

It is very interesting looking.
The trade tower kind of in behind it in the center looks good too.

I'm not sure what this building is but I love the artwork.
From there, we hopped back on the Subway and continued on our mission to go to the TKTS booth.

We got off at the Brooklyn Bridge stop and walked over.
We've done this walk plenty but still get mixed up in which way to go.
We did find it though and bought tickets to Oklahoma tonight.

Right next door was this lobster place so we just had to try that out.

Excuse the shadow but no matter which way I aimed my camera, I could not get away from it.
We shared one and picked the combo roll that had lobster, shrimp and crab (it was very heavy on the shrimp).
It was on a top cut hot dog bun which is my absolute favorite and for some reason you can't get them in Alberta?
The roll was pretty good.

We just kind of walked and made our way back up by the trade tower.
I stopped in at Century 21 and had a look around the shoe section but I didn't find any good deals.

We kept walking and before you know it we were hungry again.
There is a Wagamama near the Flat Iron building so we made our way over there.

Ever since we ate there at the London airport I've been wanting to go back for the Bang Bang Cauliflower and the Okonomyaki.

They put us at one of those communal tables which I hate.
I don't know who came up with the idea and I don't know anyone who actually likes eating at them.
The only thing they would be good for is if you go out with a great big group but who wants to go to dinner and eat at a table with a bunch of strangers?
Not me.

Luckily the restaurant wasn't busy and we were the only ones at the table.

The tables were all decked out in Pride colors and I thought it looked good.

I tried a glass of this fruit juice because it had passionfruit along with apple and orange.
You could tell it was freshly squeezed and it was absolutely delicious.

We got the Bang Bang Cauliflower and it was so disappointing.
It wasn't at all like what we'd had in London - I was certain the cauliflower we had there had a breading coating of some sort on it.

I ordered a Pad Thai salad for my main and it was very good.
Fresh and tasty, I loved the flavor.

My Honey had the ramen and he said it was really good too.
I had a taste and the broth had a strong miso flavor (which I love).
I thought it was delicious too.

After we ate, I went in search of a Skechers store.
I saw these kitty cat sneakers that I wanted to buy but they didn't have them.
We had done A LOT of walking by this point in the day and the bottoms of my feet were burning so we decided to head back to the hotel room and have a rest before heading back out to the show tonight.

We stopped by the bubble tea place and I grabbed a mango bubble tea but I got them to add the cheese foam this time.
It sounds really weird but I'm glad I tried it because it was really good.

We rested in the room until 6 pm then decided to go get some supper before the show.

There was a noodle place not far from the hotel that My Honey wanted to try so that is where we went.

I like their artwork.

The dish is spicy lamb with hand torn noodles.
We were just going to share but it was WAY too spicy for me.

My Honey just loved it though.

I was kind of hungry so I went back and ordered this stewed pork burger.
It was basically pork meat on a bun, very simple and very good.

We made our way to the theater.
I was really excited about seeing this show tonight.
I've never seen the movie but I'm a big Rodgers & Hammerstein fan.

When we first walked into the theater I was surprised at how the stage was set up.

The set was very bare bones, not much to it at all.
Just some tables with slow cookers on them.

The first row of the audience was actually seated at tables on the stage.

The playbill.

Ready for the show to start.

At intermission they handed out chili and cornbread.

I got some for us to try.
I didn't care for the chili but the cornbread was good.
The couple in front of us went back 3 or 4 times to get more.

This is his "what the heck was that" look after the show.
We were not impressed with the show at all.
There were good things about it but overall, we didn't like it.
One of the supporting actresses did win a Tony for her role in the show (Ado Annie) and I enjoyed her character along with the actors who played her love interests, Will Parker and Ali Hakim.
They were fun but aside from that, the show was a dud.

There was this musical number and this girl came out and did this interpretive dance and it did not fit at all.
I thought it was horrible and I couldn't wait for it to be over.
She was grunting and breathing heavy and it just went on and on.

Other parts of the show were exaggeratedly too serious, it kind of didn't give you a good feeling.
At one point, the main actress sang a solo then as she was exiting the stage, she tripped and fell.
She jumped up angrily and picked something up off the floor which maybe she felt had made her trip, then she slammed in onto the table and left in a huff.
I thought that was very unprofessional and it left a bad taste in my mouth.

When we got back to the room and I looked up reviews for the show.
Some were good (really?) and others had the exact same opinion as My Honey and I.
They made it really dark, too dark - why do they feel they always have to put these dark twists on things to highlight some horrible thing in society currently or whatever?
Can't they just let it be the feel good movie that it was way back when?

We stopped at the corner store by our hotel and grabbed dessert.
I opted for this chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwich.

Our room.
It wasn't humongous but it felt spacious enough.
It was perfect for what we needed.

Back home, the pop up tent I ordered for my son arrived.

Baby F was checking it out.

I'm glad it got there in time, now they can take it with them on vacation and they'll have their own shade at the beach or wherever else they happen to go.

No wonder my feet were sore!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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