Wednesday 31 July 2019

Bird Walk & In Law Visit (July 26, 2019)

As soon as we got up this morning, we had breakfast. loaded up the trucks and hit the road.
I am going to be heading to Fort St John directly from there Monday morning so we each took a vehicle.
I had the tunes blaring and the drive was passing by very nicely.
We've passed by the Kimiwan Birdwalk several times and often thought that we should stop in and check it out.
Today we finally did.

It's pretty much just a really nice trail that you can walk through where there is a lot of bird activity.

There is a nice big birdhouse for the wildlife to use - looked empty when we first passed it.

They do have an information booth inside their building and a bit of a museum.

The grounds are very nicely manicured.

It was so nice and peaceful.
There was a really nice, long boardwalk that went out over the marshy areas.

So of course we walked it.

We could hear critters moving around in the marsh but we didn't really see anything.

There were parts of the boardwalk that felt kind of rickety.

We saw some Canadian Thistles, they are pretty but they are prickly!

Looks like there are a few birds making use of the birdhouse when we walked back by it.
We checked out the museum they had then we hit the road.
Made it to Peace River.
The view around this corner is always so breathtaking.
Of course I was driving though so I couldn't get a picture.

Lily was so happy to see My Honey.

My MIL had supper ready for us when we arrived.
She'd made a really nice salad with fresh ingredients from their garden

We also had corn, chicken and new potatoes.
The new potatoes were AMAZING!
She made a dill, garlic & sour cream sauce to go with them and they were so good that I could have had just that for supper alone.

My FIL took me out to have a look at their Saskatoon Berry bushes.
The branches were just loaded. 

They were in varying stages of ripeness so they were all different colors and it looked beautiful.
My FIL was trying to pick all the berries before the birds could get them so that was keeping him busy. 

This is an asparagus plant, I've never seen one before.
My MIL had some flowers planted in the garden.
This is the first time I've seen a yellow poppy too.
She also had white poppies.
The flowers here and there in the garden among the vegetables was nice.

She has such a green thumb.

My In-Laws really are wonderful, talented gardeners and they always have such a gorgeous garden every year.

I mean just look at that.

They had a couple of greenhouses built to house corn.

It's doing so well that it's reached the ceiling.

Everything just looks so healthy.

That electric green lettuce looks so good.

They have greenhouses loaded with tomato plants too.

There are already lots of little tomatoes starting on the vines.

The garden is a lot of work for them but I think they enjoy it.
Lily doing what she enjoys - getting a good rub down.

They have some new chicks so of course I had to have a little peek at them.

They were just scurrying about like mad in there.

Just beyond there fence the wild flowers are all in bloom and it looks so nice.

More flowers up by the house.

My FIL picked LOTS of berries.

There's Sam.
I tried to get him to sit still for a picture but no go.

In the evening, we went for a walk to the end of the road.

My Honey & his mom.

It was such a nice evening for a walk.
A walk to the highway and back gives me about 2000 steps.


This is heading back to the house.
The way the shadows are falling makes it look much darker than it was.

More wildflowers in bloom on the property.

We had a rhubarb crumble for dessert when we got back from our walk.

It was slightly tart but with a bit of cream poured over it, it was just perfect.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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