Sunday 21 July 2019

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Back To Work I Go! (July 8, 2019)

Well after a week and a half of staying up late and sleeping in, it was time for me to get back to regular life and head off to work this morning.
I was still not feeling well but I figured if I stayed in my office and made sure to keep washing my hands that I wouldn't spread my germs around.

I weighed in first thing when I got there and even though I am up, I'm happy with this weigh in.
I didn't deny myself anything on vacation - when we went out to eat, I ordered whatever I wanted.
I was really good about not snacking in the room though and I think that made the difference (along with all those miles we walked).
Normally I pick up lots of treats for the hotel room and snack on them in the evenings and mornings but I was very diligent about not doing that this time.

It was quiet in the office today, lots of folks out on vacation.
Summers are like this.
SG and BH are both on vacation so I moved into SG's office for the week so I could keep an eye on the front desk and the comings and goings.

For lunch I just had some soup - I didn't feel like having much else.

My brother and his crew are flying out early in the morning to PEI so I stopped over there to see them before they left. 

I hadn't seen them before my vacation and I was missing them.
I also had to drop off a prescription for them to take to mom.

Being silly.

Awww, sibling love is so sweet and fleeting sometimes.
Even if they do fight though, that love is always there in the background somewhere.

Their kitty, Alex, decided to come over and snuggle with me.

He was laying in such a funny position.

Miss A had to take a close up of him.

I think he would have stayed there and cuddled with me all night. 

Miss A had different plans for him though.

My brother loves puzzles and brain teasers so he has lots of them hanging around, like this Rubix Cube.

Mr H was determined to do it but he mainly just mixed it up more.
My brother was able to solve it though and that just amazes me.
I have never been able to solve one and I've tried plenty.

He is so docile and sweet, he just lays there and lets the kids do whatever - what a nice cat.

He is a well loved kitty.
Mr H was determined to come to my house for a visit but they were getting up at 3:30 am to head in to the airport so my SIL was planning on putting them to bed early.
Otherwise, I would have let him come, I know My Honey would have liked to see him too.

I stayed for an hour or so then I headed home to let them get the kiddos off to bed.

 I didn't feel much like cooking so Mr. Noodles for supper it was.

I also had some Black Bean Hummus for the first time.
It was good but a little on the spicy side for me so I couldn't eat that much of it.

When My Honey got home, he made himself a bowl of noodles too then he watched a documentary about Space travel while I read.
I'm reading Anne of Green Gables again and I'm loving it even more this time around.
I'm savoring every word.
One thing about these books though is that they make me yearn to be in PEI around all the gorgeous scenery she's describing.

As we were both not feeling the best, it was an early night for us.

Meanwhile on the other side of the country, my son and his family are enjoying their vacation and they finally posted some more pictures.

What a wonderful looking family right there! 

They got to enjoy a sunset at the beach and take some nice pictures.

Just a girl and her daddy.

I'm so glad they look like they are having a great time.

They even got to see Miss Z. I know her big sister was missing her so I bet they were happy to see each other.

Snuggled right into dad.

I am loving Miss H's red hair - it really suits her.

A happy girl right there.

She sure was hamming it up for the camera.

I think she looks like her Auntie, Miss Z, in this picture.

Seeing that big smile makes this mama's heart so happy.

Silly girl.
I am glad they are having a good time but I can't wait for them to get back so I can give her a great big hug and a kiss.

Getting in some pool time.

Sunny summer days are the best.

I miss seeing the ditches just swaying with lupins.
They are so pretty.
We threw some lupin seeds in the ditch by our property, I hope they take and grow.

PEI is just littered with windmills, they make me think of home every time I see them.

Every where  you look in PEI it postcard picture perfect.

Miss H is rocking that hat!

Another family photo.

I love her little dress and of course she's being goofy again.
The lip thing is a new one.

My little sweet heart.

I was so happy to see the pictures.
If I can't be there in person, I at least want to see some photos!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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