Sunday 21 July 2019

Day of Rest (July 13, 2019)

I woke up this morning feeling worse than I had yesterday.
I was kind of upset because I really wanted to get out and do something, I felt like the whole weekend was just being wasted away.
I really wasn't up to it though.

In fact, at noon, I just had this overwhelming exhaustion take over me and I had to go to bed.
I laid down and felt so tired that I couldn't even move myself into a more comfortable position.
I fell asleep and slept until close to 3.

 I felt somewhat better when I got up but still nowhere near ready to be out and about.
So instead, I had a nice long bath and read.
I finished up Anne of Green Gables in there (I was in there for a LONG time).

When I got out, I still wasn't feeling like doing anything much.
This cold is really lingering.

Professor Snuggles was having a very restful day as well.

My Honey was busy this afternoon, he got a white coat on the table and chairs and was working on sanding it when I went out to see him.

He's doing a great job.

This is before the sanding.

This if after.
It didn't turn out exactly as we thought it would but we still like it.

We had left over pizza for supper and when My Honey finished up, we decided to watch a few more episodes of Stranger Things 3.

We had some vanilla ice cream drizzled with grapefruit white balsamic vinegar.
Sounds weird I know but it's sooooo good.

We tried it on a food tour that we did in San Diego and it was so good that we bought some right then and there.

We got the Chapman's ice cream and it's very creamy and good.
I think we'll stick to buying that brand from now on.

We ended up staying up until after 2 am like a couple of crazy teenagers and watched all 5 episodes that were left.
We thought they did a really good job of it and I'm already looking forward to Season 4.

My sister sent me this picture of her and my niece.
Miss M got a pretty good sunburn hence the look of pain on her face, ha ha.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy! 

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