Tuesday 25 June 2019

No Flu Allowed! (June 24, 2019)

I'm down this morning, 267.6 lbs.
I honestly thought it would be more because I've been being careful and cutting way back on the eating.
It's better than being up though so I'll take it.
After coffee break I started feeling flu like symptoms coming on.
I went home for lunch and laid on the couch - I think I could have slept the rest of the day but I had a lot of work to get done so back to work I went.
I worked late then when I got home, I got busy right away doing laundry, blog catch up, packing and the books for the golf course kitchen.
SV is running it out there this summer with another lady and asked if I could do the books for them.
I would have liked to stop and see Baby F but I since I wasn't feeling good I didn't want to chance passing anything along to her.
I was so busy that I didn't even notice the time go by and next thing you know, My Honey was home from work.
He cooked up some tomato soup.
He made some additions to brighten it up and it was good.
We had grilled cheese with it but I really wasn't feeling good at all so I couldn't finish.
I ended up getting My Honey to finish my last load of laundry for me and I went to bed.
I really don't want to be sick for our trip so I'm at least going to make sure I'm well rested.  
A grandmother created this for her grand-daughter - isn't it awesome?

A little pizza place too.

This fridge is adorable.
So many great ideas.
Replace dog with cat and this is totally true.
Baby F is coming up to her first birthday right away and I thought these were some cute photo shoot ideas.

I like the washtub.

I guess this would be the before - pretty cute.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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