Monday 17 June 2019

Operation 'Get Baby F Used To Me' Is Working! (June 14, 2019)

Well at least I was under the 270 mark - just barely but still worth celebrating.

My coffee break snack.

Gorgeous weather so I got out for my morning walk to the road.
Getting out into the fresh air is so invigorating.

I went over to pay up my bill for my car and clean it out.
They weren't able to fix it, sounds like I might need a new engine and rather than sink more money into it, I've decided to donate it.

My Honey had to charge up the battery so we could see what the mileage was and get in the trunk.
Seems a shame to get rid of it but there's no other options really.

After that, My Honey took me to pick up the van the golf club rented.
It is the Oilmen's Golf Tournament this weekend and I said I would do the taxi service.

With all the running around, I ran out of time to have lunch at home so I picked up some celery sticks and hummus and ate at my desk when I got back to the office.

I was super busy in the afternoon but I made time for a second walk and I'm glad I did.

My Honey was hard at work welding a support for the tv stand.
He really is a jack of all trades.

I went over to have a visit with Baby F.
I think I'm making strides in getting her used to me and I don't want to fall behind now.

Mom & dad went to the store and she cried a little but I took her to the swing set in the backyard and between Miss Z and I, we managed to keep her 'happy' until they got back.

She was kind of in a trance there for a bit.

Until mom got out the puffed snacks.

Yup, I'll have one of those!

Giving me the stink eye!

She has one little tooth now but it's right in the front so I'm not certain how useful it is for chewing things up.

Miss Z was entertaining us with some noises.

She wanted me to record her so she could watch it.

What a little firecracker she is!

Of course My Honey got down on the floor with her and they played with the blocks.

I Can't Even Right Meow!

I love watching her discover new things, everything seems likes it amazing to her and it's so wonderful to watch that.

Oh, she noticed the phone.

I like the cute outfit she had on.

Time to say good bye.
My brother called to say that Mr H was asking to come over so I told him to bring him by.

He brought his work gloves so he could help My Honey do work.

My Honey put some nails in a board for him and let him go to town hammering them in and he thought that was just great.

He knew we had silly string in the house and kept asking for him so I let him have it and he was thrilled.

He was spraying it on everything.

I sprayed some on him - he thought that was great too.

I got a call for a taxi so I headed to the golf course and I saw a bear on the way out.
It ran into the woods before I had a chance to take a picture.
When I got back to the house, I help My Honey with supper prep.

He wanted 5 hot dogs but I suggested we start with three and he did almost eat them all.

I turned the tv around so he could watch it and that helped.

He's not always the best eater for me so I was impressed.

Professor Snuggles in his 'spot'.
Both of the cats love laying there and watching the world outside.

We had steak, salad, mushrooms and onions for supper and it was delicious.

His new favorite show is Super Why.
It is a cute show.

I had to head out for another taxi run and this time I saw a rainbow.

When I got back the second time, my brother was picking up Mr H.
My Honey and I just kind of hung around and watched tv after he left.
I had to be around in case I got any calls.
I did get a few but it wasn't as busy as I expected.

We went to bed finally around 2 then I got one last call at 2:30.
I drove out and got them - they tried to convince me that they should come to my place to hang out which might have been fun but I was too tired for that so I dropped them off at their place.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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