Friday 14 June 2019

More Baby F Time - I Love It! (June 13, 2019)

Okay, now we are heading in the right direction again.

Got out in that beautiful sunshine for a walk to the road this morning before coffee break.
There weren't too many of us around in the office today so it was pretty quiet.
That's kind of how summer goes - it usually only begins in July but guess it's getting started earlier this year.

My Honey had a delicious omelet prepared for me when I got home for lunch.
I had it on toast with hot cranberry jelly and it was delicious.
I was able to get lots accomplished at work this afternoon with it being so quiet.
Before I knew it, it was time to go home. 

My Honey was already hard at work cooking up supper.

He made a huge container of chicken thighs.
We'll be eating them for days which is fine with me, they were delicious.

He grilled up carrots to go with it and some cheesy instant mashed potatoes.
I love when he's on days off and not just because he cooks for me but I love that we get to spend time together.

It was so nice out that we had to take advantage and dine outside again.
We shared the last of the ambrosia and I decided that I'm not going to make it again for awhile.
It's just too good.
When we went into the house, Paddington was sitting on the couch on his rear just like a person.
Ha ha ha - it looked so funny.

He sat there for awhile letting us take pictures of him.

I said all he needed was a beer and a remote!
We headed for a walk again - Operation get Baby F used to me is in full swing.
She was having supper when we got there.

But quickly lost interest in that as soon as My Honey sat next to her.

So they let her down and she & My Honey got right to playing.

He'd build the towers and she would knock them over.

Then they'd collect the blocks and do it all again. 

My Honey kept trying to balance the ball on the top of the tower but she kept taking it.
My son and Miss H slipped out while she wasn't watching to go get an ice cream and I was expecting her to have a melt down when she realized they were gone but all was good.
She didn't even notice and kept right on playing.
I was so happy - I can't wait until I can have her over for a night or just a visit for a few hours and it looks like that might be closer to becoming a reality now.

When she started to get tuckered out, it was time for cuddles with mommy.

I thought maybe she was wanting to get up and get playing again.

Nope - she is staying stuck to mom.

Awwww, such a sweet girl.
We were going to stop by the store but My Honey thought he'd lost his credit card so we headed directly home.
Turns out it was there and he hadn't even brought it which was awesome.
We talked about some projects we'd like to get done this weekend and I stayed up far later than I should have.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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