Wednesday 5 June 2019

Got Some Much Needed Rain (June 3, 2019)

I woke up to pouring rain which was nice considering that we really need it.
I'm slowly making progress.

My Honey & I came down to the office last night and he planted the lilac tree the girls and I picked up the other day.
It's right outside my window so when it starts blooming one day I will be able to fully enjoy it.

I think the rain we got made everything a hundred times more green.

The rain did let up so I was able to go for a morning walk to the road and back.

The rain cleared all the smoke right up.

For lunch I had leftovers.
A burger, a hot dog and some salads.
I had mentioned to My Honey that I wanted a gardening bench so he asked me to draw something up.
Instead I did an internet search and found a few pictures that I brought home with me at lunch to give him an idea of what I wanted.

These are just an idea of what I want, I told him it didn't have to be exact.

I like the color on this one.

Walk number two is in the books.
I got a text this afternoon from KW asking if I could come to my massage early.
I thought it was tomorrow night so I'm glad she texted or else I might have missed.
She did it in a new room and she tried a few new things like a laser light and scrubbing (I think that's what she called it anyway).

All I know is that I was feeling super good afterwards.

When I got home, My Honey had been hard at work and had a really good start on the gardening bench/table.

He stopped working long enough for us to make salad and cook up some sausage to go with it.
It was so delicious.
Baby F went to the park today and her mom posted this cute picture.

The Facebook page I follow for my dad's community where he grew up had this picture of a few of my dad's aunt's posted.
I remember visiting the lady on the far left, Aunt Roselyn, when we were little.
She was always so happy to see us and smothered us with hugs and kisses and gave us treats.

Miss H & Miss M at the after grad party.
Ha ha.

This was on Facebook  - it was a bunch of men posing for pictures like women would and this particular pose struck me as extra funny.
Maybe because I could imagine My Honey doing something like this.

If only!
I didn't get to 10,000 steps but I did make an effort at the end of the evening to get 10 sets of stairs in.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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