Monday 24 June 2019

OPRAH!!! (June 20, 2019)

I woke up to a smoky world this morning.
It was raining and maybe that was putting out the fires but you could barely see anything.
You couldn't even see the highway from the parking lot and it's just right there beside these trucks.

267.8 lbs today.

I knew I was leaving early today so I worked through lunch and brought a freezer meal to eat at my desk.
It was butternut squash ravioli, pretty good actually.
I have a ticket to go see Oprah tonight and I'm so excited.
We got an email saying the show would start right on time so to get there early to avoid big line ups.
I planned on leaving at 3 pm then at 2 pm, we had a downpour of torrential proportions.
I would have left even earlier thinking I'd have to drive overly slow in that rain but I had a meeting that pretty much went until 3 pm.
Good thing because the rain had basically stopped by the time I left.
I did drive through one section of a downpour but it only lasted for a few minutes and it was clear sailing after that.

OMG - the bridge is done!

I'm actually driving right over it!
The longest bridge repair in the history of the world looks likes it's nearing completion.
I saw a big old moose just standing on the side of the road - it would have been a perfect picture but the car behind me was following too closely to me so I wasn't able to stop and pull over safely to take it.
Oh well, it was still fantastic to see.

The parking lot at Coop in Barrhead is finished too!
Wow, what a day.

I stopped in and got some chicken tenders and this Honey Dill dip which is DEEEElicious!
It was my supper.

I found and paid for a parking spot online before I headed to the city.
Finding parking downtown is usually a hassle so I wanted to be prepared.
I was only .3 km away from Rogers so it was a pretty good spot, only cost me $8.00 and had a nice mural for my viewing pleasure as well!

This is the first event I'll be attending at the new Rogers Place in Edmonton.

I was a little early, the doors weren't even opening until 7 and it was around 6:00 when I got there.
I gambled $20.00 in the casino there but I would have been better off to just go get in line because I didn't win a thing.
Around 6:45 I did go get in line.
There weren't many people around at that point yet.

I went and found my seat right away.
I was in the lower bowl, I had a pretty good view but I would have liked to have been closer.
I paid $250.00 as it was for my ticket, which I honestly thought was a little high, and any closer would have been more expensive and I wasn't willing to shell out any more than I did. 

I watched Oprah's show for as long as I can remember and always wanted to go and be in the studio audience.
I was so disappointed when the show came to an end because I figured I'd never have a chance to see her after that and now I'm going, it feels surreal.

The topic for tonight - Your Path Made Clear.
I started to feel a bit emotional just before she came out on stage, thinking of all those years of watching her and all the things I've learned from her.
Thinking about the girl I was and the woman I've become just stirred up all these feelings.

When she came out - it was surreal.
I tried to zoom in but just looks like a blur.

The thing about an event like this is if you aren't close, you end up watching the performer on the big screen anyway.
I didn't take many pictures as I wanted to just focus on the show and really take it all in.
She did a show in Calgary last night and had put on Instagram how much the new shoes she had worn hurt her feet.
Tonight, she brought those shoes out then asked if anyone in the audience was a size 10 1/2.
Lots of people of course put their hands up.
She told the lady she saw first to come up and get them and she signed them and gave them to her.
I thought that was pretty cool.
She had a guest speaker who came out for about 20 minutes, Cheryl Strayed.
She's the author of Wild which was made into a movie starring Reese Witherspoon.
I think she's written other books since then as well.
She shared some words of wisdom about finding your path.
I thought she was a good speaker and what she said made sense.
I never actually watched the movie but now my interest is peeked so I'm going to make a point of watching it now.
The show was over right around 10 and I headed straight to the car and right home.
I got a coffee for the drive but that was the only stop I made.
It was 1 am when I got home and I went straight to bed.
I know I'm going to be tired in the morning but it was worth it. 
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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