Thursday 13 June 2019

All About Baby F! (June 12, 2019)

OMG - I just don't know what is going on?
Maybe it's because we ate so late?
I'm feeling like in order to lose some weight, I'm just going to have to stop eating entirely!

The driveway to the road looks like it was just freshly graded.
Lots of big rocks on it so not the best for walking in flip flops but I made it.

It was a gorgeous sunny day out there again - I just love that going out for the walks gives me a chance to enjoy some of the sunshine.

My Honey whipped us up some salad and sausage for lunch.
It was super good.

When I got home, My Honey had shrimp and corn on the bbq for supper.

What service!

Since it was so nice out, we took advantage and ate outdoors.

Then we went for a walk to get in some extra steps and visit Baby F.
She was having supper when we got there.
She lost interest in her food pretty quickly when she saw us.

She had on one of the little outfits I picked up for her the other day and it looked darling on her.

I bet it was nice and breezy on this hot day!

Just too darn cute.

Budding musician right there.

She's so quick on the keys her hands are a blur.

Look out Beethoven!

She noticed My Honey playing with her toys so she had to go investigate.

She gets herself close enough so she can see but just out of reach, ha ha.

Then she noticed my phone/camera.
Had to investigate that.

She just loves her little car, she's in and out of it constantly.

Giving daddy some love.

Or maybe she's trying out that new 'almost out' tooth of hers.


Someone's making block towers again, she needs to go check it out.

We can't have that,

Down with the tower.

There shall be no towers in my presence!

Knocking down towers is hard work.

My sweet girl!

These two though - oh my heart!

Around 8 we left and walked over to the store.

We passed by this tree in full bloom.
I've passed it so many times before but I never really noticed it.

It was just a buzz with bees - so much activity going on in there - just amazing.

The blossoms are so beautiful and they smell so wonderful too!
I can't wait to have a yard full of these.

I made sure to reach the step goal and the stairs goal for today.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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