Wednesday 12 June 2019

Beautiful Time of Year (June 11, 2019)

Down a teeny bit so that was good.
Still not the big drop I was hoping for but Ima keep on trucking!

It was a gorgeous day out there and I was able to get out for my walk to the road in the morning.

For lunch I made myself a salad with chicken breast.
I also had some ambrosia.

I stopped at my son's because operation "Get Baby F used to me" is in full swing but they weren't home.
My brother was there with Mr H though and he was trying out the cars.

He like the red one.

He had to take the green one for a spin too though.

Backing up is hard work no matter what kind of vehicle you are driving.

He had a bit harder of a time getting out of it than he did getting in to it.

When My Honey got home from work, we had to take the vehicle down to WCT to drop it off.
It's having some work done to it tomorrow.
We were treated to another rainbow on the way.
It's a sure sign good things are coming my way (like winning the lottery tonight for instance).

We went to the Shawarma place again for supper.

It's a nice little place - the folks that work there are friendly and it's clean and the food is super good.

It was so nice that we ate at their outside tables.

I had the beef shawarma this time and some hummus.
The guy also gave me some flat bread. It looks like a tortilla kind of but tastes like a pita.
They make them from scratch there and it was still warm when he gave it to me.
Soooooo good.

I must report that I although the beef shawarma was good, I do prefer the chicken one.

I always love this view from the top of the hill as we are leaving WCT and heading home, especially this time of year when everything is freshly green.
So pretty.

What a cute idea - I want to do this on our property.
Maybe even in our backyard here too.

I didn't too very well meeting my goals today, tomorrow will be better.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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